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  1. R


    Thanks Ian, i've shot sporting targets a few times, its a cracking ground. I really enjoyed the jack pyke challenge they had there last year.
  2. R


    I know what you mean, its good to move round a bit, i dont like shooting the same ground to regularly, if they dont change targets much i find it becomes boring and i dont put 100% effort in.
  3. R


    Hi there, i shoot all over really, orston, grimsthorpe, hi harthley to name a few. How about yourself
  4. R


    Hi there, My names Pete,i'm based in Peterborough,  i've been shooting just over 20 years. I started to get back into clay shooting again last year, i really enjoy English sporting, sport-trap and fitasc. Just came across this forum it looks interesting so here i am.