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  1. S

    Beretta silver pigeon 1 vs 686 e evo

    Ok will do thank you. 
  2. S

    Beretta silver pigeon 1 vs 686 e evo

    It's a 32" though which is the only thing holding me back as ideally I would like to go for a 30 but maybe the 32 would be fine? 
  3. S

    Beretta silver pigeon 1 vs 686 e evo

    Hi Tom thw advert says it's mint condition and only had 500 cartridges through it. 
  4. S

    Beretta silver pigeon 1 vs 686 e evo

    Hi thanks for the reply.  I was set on a silver pigeon 1 until the other day and quite liked the look of the evo as the engraving etc looks a bit more modern instead of the more traditional look. I do like both though.  The second hand one I saw was a private seller about 2 hours from me and...
  5. S

    Beretta silver pigeon 1 vs 686 e evo

    Hi all been reading a lot about the two guns mentioned in the subject. Went to the shop to buy myself a silver pigeon 1 (first shotgun) and the guy in the shop confused me by showing me the 686 e evo which looked lovely.  I have a couple questions...  I will be doing mostly clay shooting for...
  6. S

    Hi from Devon

    Hi all. Quick message to say hi. Been reading the forum a lot recently and found it really helpful. Going to post in general to ask a few questions and looking forward to learning more. Very new to this! ?