two guys were out for a golf session they got tohole 8 and in front of them were two ladies just standing talking on the green.
tell you what says man num 1 go and ask them if we can play through other iwse we might be here all day.
so he walks up the fairway gets half way there and walks back whats wrong says his mate?
i cant go up there says man 2 one of those ladies is my wife and one is my mistress . never mind says man 1
i will ask . he walks up the faiway and does a u turn just like the first man
he says to his " small world isnt it"
and another
two men plating golf
first green, fred sticks a 20ft putt down in one
second green same thing
third gren even longer putt
this goes on till the final green, when harry finally asks what is occuring with these long putts.
its these glasses says fred, when you put them on you see a large ball and a small ball
and a large hole and a small hole , just pot the small bal into the large hole easy.
he gives them to his mate to try
25ft put straight in, fantastic says harry keep them says fred i wil get another pair.
into the clubhouse for drinks and harry says he has to go to the loo for a wee
when he comes out the front of his trousers is soaking wet
whats the mater says fred ,
well said harry i got the crown jewels out for a wee annd saw 2 todgers
one big and one small
i knew the big one wasnt mine so i put it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tell you what says man num 1 go and ask them if we can play through other iwse we might be here all day.
so he walks up the fairway gets half way there and walks back whats wrong says his mate?
i cant go up there says man 2 one of those ladies is my wife and one is my mistress . never mind says man 1
i will ask . he walks up the faiway and does a u turn just like the first man
he says to his " small world isnt it"
and another
two men plating golf
first green, fred sticks a 20ft putt down in one
second green same thing
third gren even longer putt
this goes on till the final green, when harry finally asks what is occuring with these long putts.
its these glasses says fred, when you put them on you see a large ball and a small ball
and a large hole and a small hole , just pot the small bal into the large hole easy.
he gives them to his mate to try
25ft put straight in, fantastic says harry keep them says fred i wil get another pair.
into the clubhouse for drinks and harry says he has to go to the loo for a wee
when he comes out the front of his trousers is soaking wet
whats the mater says fred ,
well said harry i got the crown jewels out for a wee annd saw 2 todgers
one big and one small
i knew the big one wasnt mine so i put it away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!