Adult Booster Cushion

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2012
Hi All,

Bit of a random one here really but hoping that someone may be able to recommend a solution.

My parents have been down for the last few days; my dad had a hip replacement and was really struggling to get up off my sofa despite sitting on a few cushions.

I know he has a booster cushion thing at home and would like to get one ready for when they come back the week after next. This was the first time he has been able to do the 200 mile car journey since the hip replacement but I felt really sorry to see him struggle and would like to get one of the proper booster cushions before they are next here.

If anyone has any experience or knows of any suppliers of such a thing it would be appreciated.


Jon. .

I had a booster cushion when I busted my coccyx a few years back, which I bought from argos of all places. They have a cutout at the back to take pressure off the lower spine but could work in this scenario too. How high is his current booster cushion?

I've seen Plastic block's used under the sofa feet or wheel's to raise the height, ask at your health centre , they should be able to advise.

Jon..opposite the post office in lent rise, there is a place called nightingale medical that have that sort of thing... I think they hire as well as sell. Mrs R had crutches from there when she injured her knee.

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