Anyone Have and Rizzini (Premier) Ownership Experience?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2013

One of the guns I really enjoyed stroking at the Shooting Show was the Rizzini Premier, it really surprised me in terms of fit/balance.

Does anyone have any experience of owning Rizzinis? There don't seem to be many used out there, and I don't want to end up getting something that's a bit of a turkey



 There don't seem to be many used out there, and I don't want to end up getting something that's a bit of a turkey
There are/were several firms out there called Rizzini, not sure which was the best or worst though. At the end of the day they are generally not that popular in the UK, no matter which Rizzini we are talking about here! I think that most people would stick with the well known makes for several reasons, including re sale value, spares availability, known reliability, known quality. The gun you are looking at is hardly cheap and there is a very wide choice of new and used stuff around in the that price range, so it could be better to stick with that which is well known!

Found this on another forum: 

The Rizzini family includes many gunmakers. There were three brothers, Emilio, Battista and Isodore who all owned  guns factories. E. Rizzinis were once well known in the UK as cheaper guns. That concern has now been taken over by the Fausti sisters (who, however, now focus their production on the middle of the market). The better quality guns such as the RB EL are made by B. Rizzini. His large firm has also gone for the middle market sector in recent years (and, like the Faustis, also aspires beyond it). Isadore Rizzini owns FAIR (Fabbrica Arms Issadore Rizzini). They make many of the Lincoln guns seen in the UK. This firm still makes budget and some better ones too. It does not quite end there. F.lli Rizzini are the uncles of the brothers just discussed. They are one of the most prestigious makers in Italy manufacturing best guns and rifles only.

The quote was attributed to "Positive Shooting" Seems to sum things up quite well. 

As for buying, given the potential depreciation of the "B" models, if you really want one you'd be better off trying to find a good used one. TBH at the prices they are for new, I'd be inclined to agree with Les53. 

Les53 - I think that's really good advice, and you've actually just said 'aloud' what was at the back of my mind.

The gun felt really, really comfortable - but it's too much money to risk.



The same thing was said about Caesar Guerini some years ago.

When you consider that Rizzini we are talking about utilises many of the out workers, and machinery , plus contractor, suppliers that Guerini use and they are imported into this country and distributed by ASI. They may well be worth a punt if it is what floats your boat.

I have a William Powell - B Rizzini.  I know its not quite the same thing. I have been warned about saying anything about them on forums, twitter and Facebook. 

B Rizzini makes good quality, fine handling guns that are a pleasure to use. It is unfortunate that the name has been associated with mass market, cheaper guns.

If you like it and it felt good then buy it, they all go bang and all kill targets if pointed in the right direction and i doubt there is a gun on the market that any of us will wear out in our lifetime. Anyway its good to be different. There should only be two reasons to buy a gun.

1 you like it

2 it fits

If you like it and it felt good then buy it, they all go bang and all kill targets if pointed in the right direction and i doubt there is a gun on the market that any of us will wear out in our lifetime. Anyway its good to be different. There should only be two reasons to buy a gun.

1 you like it

2 it fits
And three (in my experience), it lasts longer that 4 months before needing to be returned to Italy.....AGAIN.  

As in Spill the beans? I will do, but first I need to sort out suing those involved.  And like I said, I have been repeatedly wanted not to say anything on forums and social media.  

Understood good plan until whatever the issue is gets sorted.

good luck.

Understood good plan until whatever the issue is gets sorted.

good luck.
Thanks Amigo.  Im relying on you lot to help put pressure on the them too. ;)  Need my £5600 back. (or the bloody gun I ordered)


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