Does she already have a gun, or will it be her first one?
If she already has one, she’s probably able to explain what she likes/dislikes about it.
If she wants to use it mainly for clay shooting, the 693 seems to be relatively light.
I’ve seen quite some shooters that have bought a ‘hunting’ model for clays, as these weren’t so heavy compared to competition models.
Most of them regretted this choice after a while, especially the ones shooting a lot.
In the end your wife is the only person that can decide which gun will be the best choice for her.
Only thing I can recommend, is to let her try as many guns as she can.
After this you might be surprised about what she prefers.
I was so stupid to buy my first gun based on recommendations from others and after only trying two guns.
I thought it would be my last gun.
What was I thinking...