beretta ugb25

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Dec 5, 2013
Hello everyone. I'm wondering if any members have a beretta ugb25 trap for sale. It must be in A1 condition cosmetically & mechanically. Thanks Andy

Hello everyone. I'm wondering if any members have a beretta ugb25 trap for sale. It must be in A1 condition cosmetically & mechanically. Thanks Andy
If they had came out of the factory A1 cosmetically & mechanically there might have been more of them about...Beretta's finest polished dog turd!!!

Have to agree with James. It was an attempt at re designing the wheel.

Furthermore i am astounded that anyone actually wants to buy one of these monstrosities.

If they had came out of the factory A1 cosmetically & mechanically there might have been more of them about...Beretta's finest polished dog turd!!!
+1.  I thought it but James said it!

Sportsman Gun Centre Exeter had a whole rack of them about a year ago brand new. Still got most of them. I heard the others they broke up for spares to service the ones they sold.    :biggrin:

I love Berettas, but that one was a mistake!

As an aside discussing these things is nearly as much fun as poi poa threads :)

As an aside discussing these things is nearly as much fun as poi poa threads :)
They are a subject that divides opinion that's for sure.

Allegedly there are some deranged, mis-guided, ill-informed and mechanically unsympathetic people out there who actually like these things.

Not sure what side of the fence I'm on though!!!    :sarcastic:

I just don't get it !

Tis neither an ou or an auto, what exactly is sposed to be the point.

And even if there is a benefit i believe they are highly unreliable.

Hey ips

I am niether friend or foe of the UGB but I have a shooting buddy who has owned one of these for about 4 years and has had no problems to date, I have shot it on occasions and must admit it handles quiet well !

Mick. :preved:


first time i have heard of anyone who has not sent it back.

I must admit i have not shot one but a trap friend of mine did when they 1st came out and reported same as you, he wanted to hate it but was surprised how well it shot.

Each to there own of course and at least you can open the thing.

Good luck trying find one if you find 2 let me know. :girlcrazy:   :girlcrazy: many more guns??? Anyway you now have a brilliant trap gun, the MX8, why on earth would you want one of those odd things? Does the wife know that you still have a shopping list? Remember what happened last time you bought a gun? A dog house job as I seem to remember?

All ways on the look out Les. Will keep her in doors in the dark.   :girlcrazy:  I have shot one at Axminster, shot real well

think its a good idea granted they need a lot of love but a bit of Beretta history.

You can borrow it when we end up shooting sporting mate.  

You can borrow it when we end up shooting sporting mate. do I say this politely? ....Bugger off !!!! :biggrin:   You already made me shoot DTL in a monsoon, you also forced me to shoot the County ABT Championships in the most appalling weather, there is a limit you know!!! :laugh:

I regularly shoot with a chap who has one he likes it very much. It's not a bad idea and if the uk law on S2 semi autos had been worded differently may have been a far more common sight over here.

Les does sporting, can i watch :)
Yes you can...........................when hell freezes over!!!!  That bloody bloke Gaz is always trying to lead me astray, he does it with everyone. Poor old Ian Brazier (Ianinpoole) had only been shooting trap for a few months and he conned him into shooting the County ABT in shocking weather, gale force winds, snow, hail and rain, he'd never shot any ABT before! There must be something wrong with a man who shoots a blue auto when he also has a DT10 and an MX8!!!!! It may well be time to suggest to his wife that she has a word with his doctor about his strange "blue gun" fettish!!!!!  Not only that, he takes photos when one is not looking, then he shoves the things on this forum!!!  :biggrin:

PS.....he also owns a pump gun and last week said how much he likes the sound it makes when he cocks the thing. I think his condition is serious and he may well be a closet camo man too!!!!

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He sounds trouble mate, keep away from him that's my advice.

I've got 2 . and while I agree they are a marmite gun I like them and haven't had any issues with either :)

If you like it that's all that matters mate, be boring if we all liked the same things in life.


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