BROWNING Ultra XS Pro ( feedback )

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Mad dog

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
Hi, I am a new member go easy on me 😀 I am looking for feedback from owners of the Browning Ultra XS Pro’s I have had a look at one & I really like it, my only concern is the adjustable comb if it did not have this feature I would not hesitate in buying one.

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My shooting friend has one, i have shot it a few times and i really like it, if i was in the market for another gun at that price point I would have no hesitation in buying one, the adjustable comb is really useful for fine tuning part of the gun fit/sight picture

My opinion only here and it's worth exactly what it costs but I've tried all the modern Brownings and I reckon it's much the best of them. If I absolutely had to shoot a Browning it'd be an XS Pro.

What I can't understand is your opposition the the adjustable stock as it would have a different feel and balance with a fixed stock and just wouldn't be the same gun.

The reason behind the comb issue is that I owned a Browning Prestige at one point & it gave me no end of problems, my apologies I should have explained a little better in my first post.

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Got the XS Pro exquisite 2 and the combe is set right down and has never moved at all since I've had it.

You have said you wouldn't hesitate to buy one which implies you don't need this feature as it fits you as is ?, so if it's locked down what issues would you have with it ?

I own one. It is my first gun. I have shot many different school guns. I learned that I liked browning/miroku better than the other brands they had. Then tried (shot) some new miroku and browning guns and liked the Ultra Xs Pro the best. I have had it for 6 months now. Never had to move the comb. It is in the lowest position and right in the middle. It has never moved one little bit. My gun balances right at the hinge pin from the factory. 

i own one too excellent choice  no problems after a year of ownership unlike my new blaser f3 which i sold 

The reason behind the comb issue is that I owned a Browning Prestige at one point & it gave me no end of problems, my apologies I should have explained a little better in my first post.
If your prestige adjustable came with the adjustable mechanism that had one locking bolt that controls ever direction accessed through the butt plate that would randomly loosen and readjust itself mid shoot then, from experience, I feel your pain. 

I see the more modern Brownings are now sold with the more conventional two locking bolts accessed through the comb. You shouldn’t have any issues with this type of set up. All my guns have an adjustable comb and the single locking bolt was the only one that gave me an issue.

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Well for everyone who has had a problem, there will be another who hasn't it seems, My pro sport and Ultra have the single one in the butt pad and I've never had any issues with either coming loose 😁

It’s a fair point and my experience is in no way conclusive proof that there is a systemic problem. However I was approached by a fellow shooter and asked if I had a problem with the stock coming loose, it’s the only time I’ve been asked that so figure  there could be issues with certain guns of this design. Who knows how wide spread  it may or may not be but it’s the only gun I’ve had this issue with and obviously the shooter that asked me had exactly the same issues.

Made me think twice about buying a gun with the same design ever again  but obviously others have no issues. 

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If your prestige adjustable came with the adjustable mechanism that had one locking bolt that controls ever direction accessed through the butt plate that would randomly loosen and readjust itself mid shoot then, from experience, I feel your pain. 

I see the more modern Brownings are now sold with the more conventional two locking bolts accessed through the comb. You shouldn’t have any issues with this type of set up. All my guns have an adjustable comb and the single locking bolt was the only one that gave me an issue.
Yes the Prestige that I had did have the single locking set up with the Allen key through the butt pad & since my first post regarding the Ultra Pro I have had confirmation from Browning that it is indeed exactly the same mechanism that is fitting to the both guns, thus I have decided not to go out & purchase a Browning Ultra Pro.

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