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ShootClay Supporter
Oct 13, 2011
Last Saturday her indoors and I had to attend a really awful evening "Do" in some bonkers place in the wilderness near Ross. We managed to escape at around half 10 but a couple of miles down the road I got flashed by a "Road Safety" camera. Today the Notice of prosecution arrived for doing 35mph in a 30 zone!

They've offered me a choice between taking a Safety Awareness Scheme which would mean nil point but cost £80+, or take the fixed penalty of £60 and 3 points. I've kept a clean licence for about 40 years.

Anyone got any advice on which to choose?

I've done the course... its a fairly 'steady' 3 hours of being given some good reasons why you shouldn't speed. It definitely cured me.

I had the same last month 36 in a 30 , i did the course , i thought for the extra £30 it was worth keeping a clean licence

Done the course, if you do the course you DO NOT have to tell the insurance company,so no increase in your premium.

Do the course!!!! Short term it's £20 more expensive, but nothing to declare & a clean license. You'll get you're money bag by avoiding years worth of premium increases!!

Just done the course. Painful! Remember that if you get caught again within 12 months then you are awarded the points from that offence and the ones you did the course to avoid!

Thanks for the tips.

I can't complain, I've stayed clean for over 40 years but I've no idea how because no one, least of all her indoors, would accuse me of being a slow driver, but of course my sons are taking the rip because it was only 35..... You know how it goes.

So I will take take the course, humble pie and all that, and put it down to just being my turn this time.

Just had the same. I took the points as usually fairly careful. They come off in three years..

Not convinced it's still 3 years Will, think it's gone up to 5 you know.

My wife took the course last year and had nothing but praise for it, apparently it contains a fair bit of useful information.

I am arrogant enough to feel I am right on the money with speed and car control. Got a bit more background in it than most. I got done in a stupid 30 zone (open road with one cottage on it) doing 36. There are plenty of 30 zones where it ought to be 20; this wasn't one of them.

I would take the course for the next three if they come up..

I've done 2 speed awareness courses......

Different counties otherwise I wouldn't have been given the opportunity the second time. Different areas don't share information.

You have to weigh up the cost of your time verses the cost of the points on your licence. I'm not sure it adds alot to your insurance. But it's worth doing the course if you've already got 6 points.

I now use my cruise control in 30 and 40 zones to avoid being caught again .....of course, I mean to avoid speeding again


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