Catholic School Girls.

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2014
Rossoville Ashford Middx
 A train hits a bus load of Catholic school girls and they all perish. They are all in heaven trying to enter the pearly gates past St. Peter.

 St. Peter asks the first girl, "Mary, have you ever had any contact with a tinky-winky?

 She giggles and shyly replies, "Well I once touched the head of one with the tip of my finger."

 St. Peter says, "Well, dip the tip of your finger in The Holy Water and pass through the gate."

 St. Peter asks the next girl the same question, "Jennifer have you ever had any contact with a tinky-winky?

The girl is a little reluctant but replies, "Well once I fondled and stroked one."

St. Peter says, "Then dip your whole hand in The Holy Water and pass through the gate."

All of a sudden there is a lot of commotion in the line of girls, one girl is pushing her way to the front of the line. When she reaches the front of the line St. Peter says, "Lisa! What seems to be the rush?"

The girl replies, "If I'm going to have to gargle with that Holy Water, I want to do it before Tiffany sticks her arse in it".


Pearly gates theme continued:

30 Pikeys are killed in a huge fight at a wedding. They all appear at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter is a bit concerned about letting this lot in as they are still looking rowdy, so he tells them to wait there, while he has a word with his boss. So off he goes, has a chat with God, who after a while says, "OK, go and let them in". St Peter goes away and after a minute comes rushing back looking very distressed, shouting "they're gone, they're gone". "What, the pikeys"? Says God? St. Peter looks up and says "No.. the gates"

Keep them in good taste please...
and after all the trouble I've gone to to avoid offending, etc.  I mean, killing a whole busload of schoolgirls for a joke!?!?  Just disgusting.

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