Cpsa class after 19 years off?

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Jonny English

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
Nettleton , Lincolnshire
So after 19 years away from the cpsa I have renewed my membership this week. When I looked on the system at my old cpsa number which I have retained again now, it says B class. Will I be able to book in at registered events straight away in B class or will I have to shoot 3 events and reclassify?

No, you're already classified therefore will shoot in B class when you enter a registered event. Your classification at the time you leave the association remains dormant until such time as you rejoin.

Excellent thanks Jan. It's pretty much what class I should stop in really anyway, I usually shoot around the 75% area.
Fat chance! To get in the top 5 in B class you need 10 more per round ...... of course after a couple of 85's you'll be in A where you need 90 plus !

:) :)  

Yes but about 75% is B class average territory no? Which is I think what he was driving at.

Yes but about 75% is B class average territory no? Which is I think what he was driving at.

Yes 69% to 75.9% I believe - 76% to enter A class as at the last change round.
Yes Ed and Sian are bang on the money, I haven't joined the cpsa to start raking in the prise money and quit this shovel monkey malarkey (Civil engineer). Just wanted access to all the shoots and to shoot in class instead of being unclassified everywhere.

I understand that in order to win anything at these events you need to shoot 10 plus above your average, but I shoot for fun and to generally beat my own expectations not everyone else's.

As a yard stick I did 152 at the Essex masters last year, 76 at the Lincs champs at Grimsthorpe and 88 at the Jack Pyke, so pretty much in the top part of B class for averages, but not quite good enough to need to get some silver polish!

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I have finally managed to get out today and do my first official registered in 19 years at a very windy and blustery Orston. Managed to do a 74 in B class pretty much bang in where I usually finish up. Shot some of the harder stuff very well and then went and dropped some of the silly easy ones. Probably would need late 70's to 80 ish to do any good, but really enjoyed the round. All in all not a bad morning out, good round and very testing in places felt like I had to work fir a score today.


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