Darn Sarf

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Les Graham

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
Looking at the member map it seems most folk are from darn sarf with just a few like me out on a limb up north ish, is it something to do with the wealth divide I wonder. :eek: :D

Or it might be Les .....that some do not want to put their location on the map :)

I think everyone should state where they live, town or county.

I think that's the idea of the member map philpot, how come you're not on it ;) I'm East Lincolnshire by the way.

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Probably to do with the way I advertised the site - so far - ALL word of mouth - clearly the message is spreading, but just getting out - talking to people - carrying the name on my shooting vest etc - its bound to to be a bit heavy in the areas I get around in.

Hopefully - people will enjoy themselves, find something useful and tell their friends - like a slow moving virus.

Isnt the north a tad more trap based? And of course they dont have a lot to discuss really. `Eh-Up, I shot an edge-on going away target today`. `Eeee- Did yer? so did I lad. What colour was yours? Oh.. orange..` ;) :huh:

Nic! Only joking!!! (ish..)


Isnt the north a tad more trap based? And of course they dont have a lot to discuss really. `Eh-Up, I shot an edge-on going away target today`. `Eeee- Did yer? so did I lad. What colour was yours? Oh.. orange..` ;) :huh:

Nic! Only joking!!! (ish..)

Matt.............we need a new smiley......and you know which it is .....the one with one finger :D

Oh yes - because I'm going to agree with more smilies with more rude.

Isnt the north a tad more trap based? And of course they dont have a lot to discuss really. `Eh-Up, I shot an edge-on going away target today`. `Eeee- Did yer? so did I lad. What colour was yours? Oh.. orange..` ;) :huh:

Nic! Only joking!!! (ish..)

Or that wad is different to the other cartridge I took apart last night! .....or that one had 10 pellets more in it!!! .....anymore i missed???

the problem with the smilies is when i do the max :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: which is four! Then when you guys quote this and try to add smilies you ae not allowed any!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

For trappies, should they be allowed the round face smileys, or should they just be lines, more like edge-on smileys?

I'll get my coat..


Well I'm a suvvener 'cos I was born in Brighton but I'm glad I don't live there now 'cos it's all irons and arabs.

I have lived in many parts of the country being ex RAF but have spent a fair bit of time in Norfolk and Lincolnshire and finally settled in Mid Lincs so I guess I am an East Midlander.

At least I'm not natural born East Anglian else I might be my own granpa!! :wink: :wink:


I think that's the idea of the member map philpot, how come you're not on it ;) I'm East Lincolnshire by the way.
I have just done it, forgotton all about it. I have just realised that I am all on my lonesome :huh:


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