Davy Jones from The Monkees

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
West Berks
Someone just told me Davy Jones of The Monkees has died. I thought she was joking. Then I saw her face. Now I'm a bereaver.

Got you...........

Not a trace of doubt in my mind ;)

Bad taste jokes aint funny,perhaps if you have lost someone or have a friend or family member dying you will perhaps put it on here and lets see your sense of humour shining through I for one wouldnt think it humourous.

How did Bob Marley like his sandwiches? Wi` Jammin.

He died in 1981. Has it been long enough??


Well I have never thought jokes about people dying was funny perhaps I was being over respectfull?

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I think that celebrities are somehow in a different realm for humour; even in death. The MAIN point is that while we feel we know them, we don't of course. Hence it is merely a topic upon which to base a bit of word-play and not a real jibe that is hurtful to any actual person. It not like saying HA-HA I hear your Dad just died. Its more a final chance to have a poke at somebody who volunteered in their life to be `up there` as a famous person; knowing that it would always invite observations from us nobodys.

Crikey, I'm deep..


I have always been a big fan of Davy Jones as a person and a performer and find the jokes distasteful and disrespectful

whats six inches long and not gettting sucked tonight...........whitney houstons crack pipe!

never liked whitney :p

Do you two want to take this to a private room seeing youre getting all loved up!!??
