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Wonko the Sane

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
NorCal, USA
In the course of a BS session at the club yesterday a gentleman I know (whose opinions I generally do not fault) related watching some Brit youtube things on shooting high phez.  He offered that the one presenter was such an offensive posturing  - - well, at any rate the suggestion was that Ross Neville could benefit from a vigorous bitch slapping.  

Any thots on that?

Wonko , could you please explain ? Ross Neville is a Floridian domiciled Brit, maybe , just maybe , he is becoming more American ? Whatever it is he obviously had more money than sense .

Not to many thoughts on this one Wonky..... I think the main reason for this is no one really understands what the f___k you are banging on about. If you are trying to be funny or sarky you failed miserably 

Considerably reeecha than yowwwww....

Sadly too many of these posturing Bell ends on ‘premier high bird shoots’ and many, like him, despite dropping mega bucks on clay guns to shoot Grouse couldn’t hit a Rhinos ass with a banjo

I have no idea what or who this thread is about

Just googled him, he doesn't sound very Florida 

Read post 2 .

He is/ was a Brit living in Florida , but according to this weeks Field magazine  ( October 2018) he lives in Texas.  

Ah, sorry i read it tuther way round

When I was in motor racing I developed a disrespect for journalists , who seemed to write wholly inaccurate pieces and often were freeloaders and parasites.

The more I see of these videos and magazine articles I now realise it is a journalistic trait , write nice things about someone and get a free days shooting and a sumptious meal or two . Obviously Ross is not content with a nice day out in the Countryside amongst friends , he needs the publicity also.

OK - so I thot it was a fairly straightforward question.  I obviously do not know the person and was curious as to whether impressions were consistent.  

Perhaps Texas is a proper place for him.  




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