Eley Grand Prix

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Mar 16, 2017
We are holding our Eley Grand Prix this year at Mickley Hall Shooting School!

It is a 4 day event running from 14th - 17th June, 120 bird Super Sporting for £49!

Squads of 6 going out every 15 minutes!

High Gun is a Ceasar Guerini Summit Impact Black Edition

For classes AAA/AA/A/B/C prizes are:

1st £200, 2nd £100, 3rd £50, 4th 250 Eley Cartridges

For ladies/junior/colt and vets classes prizes are:

1st £100, 2nd £50, 3rd £50, 4th 250 Eley Cartridges

All cash winners will receive 250 Eley Cartridges

Prizes for U/C (Non CPSA Registered Shooters)

1st  £300 Voucher for Crabtree Country Clothing

2nd £200 Voucher for Crabtree Country Clothing

(Vouchers to be redeemed at the Crabtree County Clothing store).

* Class Registration - CPSA Class that you are registered in for the English Sporting at the time of the  event is the class you will shoot in.

Cartridges must be picked up on the Saturday the 17th June the last day of the competition, no cartridges will be available after the 17th June when the competition is complete.

6 people per squad.

Any person qualifying in multiple classes can only win one prize, starting with their class or the class in which the competitor chooses to take.

Mickley Hall Shooting School, reserve the right to change rules and prizes at any time. *

Telephone and email entries only!

0800 7720056

[email protected]

Visit the Eley Grand Prix website for more information about the prizes and the constantly updated squad lists!


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