Glad To Be Here!

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Active member
Feb 19, 2012
South Gloucestershire
Hi all,

I recently got interested in clay shooting, after a couple of enjoyable stag weekends, and decided to have a go at my local club here in South Gloucestershire. I had a great time and the people were very friendly and instructive. Having been bitten by the bug, I went and got a lesson from Ian Coley's school up the road from me and had an absolute blast. It's been a while since I enjoyed myself as much as I did.

I don't have a certificate yet, but will be applying for one soon, especially since the wife has conceded that I can keep a gun at home (albeit without ammunition...).

Thanks to fieldsportsbritain on YouTube, I have also started to think about pigeon shooting as well. I'm really looking forward to this new hobby of mine...!



Welcome aboard Andy - enjoy your time at ShootClay - any questions please let me know...

thanks men. Hope to blend in well here. I'm from the states, Pennsylvania. I've been shooting sporting clays since 1993, and some ATA trap. I also buy, shoot, sell, and collect primarily Browning shotguns. Don't do much real bird hunting anymore. Recently retired and the Mrs has me strapped with allot of do this, do that!

Anyway, that's for the nice reception and hope to participate here... Mike

also, I'm a part time photographer and do allot of product and outdoor photography. Got lots of shotgun images to post as I go on here...

Welcome aboard as well Slugo - look forward to you sharing your pictures... the team at ShootClay are also evaluating some gallery software that we can build into the forum to give everyone a chance to share their best shooting pictures and movies.
