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Wonko the Sane

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
NorCal, USA
I see that the Orange Clown has cancelled a trip to London.  I suspect that the reason is as moronic as everything else it does.  I do wish it'd find some place outside the US to visit permanently tho wish that on any place is really not kind and definitely not in keeping with my quest to be a perfectly lovely person.  

but still ............

Unfortunately he will be coming on his "official" visit at some point.  Only not coming because he does not like the design of the new consulate (His predecessors fault allegedly).

Anyway every cloud and all that.

Unfortunately he will be coming on his "official" visit at some point.  Only not coming because he does not like the design of the new consulate (His predecessors fault allegedly).

Anyway every cloud and all that.
The reason is he doesn't think they got a good deal on the "REAL ESTATE" but then again neither of us now him personally so the media strikes again! ;)

I see that the Orange Clown has cancelled a trip to London.  I suspect that the reason is as moronic as everything else it does.  I do wish it'd find some place outside the US to visit permanently tho wish that on any place is really not kind and definitely not in keeping with my quest to be a perfectly lovely person.  

but still ............
Can you arrange for that tw*t Sadiq Khan to go with him?!

The reason is he doesn't think they got a good deal on the "REAL ESTATE" but then again neither of us now him personally so the media strikes again! ;)
According to his tweet it's because Obama did a terrible deal on selling the existing embassy.

Shows how deranged he is. The decision to move the embassy was made by the Bush administration (long before Obama) and the embassy was never owned by America, the building and land belong to Grosvenor Estates (i.e. the Duke of Westminster), who gave them a 999 year lease on it. Supposedly it was the only American embassy in the world that they didn't actually own.

I see that the Orange Clown has cancelled a trip to London.  I suspect that the reason is as moronic as everything else it does.  I do wish it'd find some place outside the US to visit permanently tho wish that on any place is really not kind and definitely not in keeping with my quest to be a perfectly lovely person.  

but still ............
We already have Ronald McDonald. Please don't send anymore clowns. 

Someone overhear said thay you in the US you now feel grateful every morning since the inauguration. 

Just to be able to wake up!!!!!

I think you Southerner's and Londoner's should get your own house in order first ! :eek:

First Ken Livingstone , then Boris the Bungler and now Sadiq Khan't.

What an embarrassment , all of them .

Who gets things done rather than talking about them.
Beginning to understand your hope and pray tactics with chokes now  :ahappy: . FYI he doesn't get things done at all, he's simply carrying on what his uber racist, sexist, mysogynstic character has done all his life. So far he's managed to bring the world closer to WW3 on at least three different occasion, the things that matter such as his own country's homeless and the millions on food stamps are irrelevant to him (and the deep state who controls him has to be said), his draining the swamp frizzled out as we've seen his administration disintegrate on a weekly basis, he's so far only managed to make fat cat corporations even richer (billionaire businessmen agree on this point ref the tax "breaks"), the pathetic promise to build that wall is on hold it seems seeing as only a moron could have conceived such a plan (or think it'd help) and an even bigger moron would think they could get another country to pay for it. He has taken credit for defeating Isis  :lol:  (which the US and its "allies" in the ME created and funded) and which Russia/Syria/Iran destroyed), he's trying to take credit for NK and SK having Peace initiation talks, don't fret this will eventually be sabotaged because the US NEEDS instability there in order to sell arms to SK and have its bases close to China (800+ military Peace lovin bases around the world) - Trumps Peace boyz are also inside Syria illegally and without a US mandate, by America's own definition they'd be labelled illegal combatant/insurgents/terrorists. 

His administration has also denied climate change exists and has pulled America out of existing world wide treaties that took decades to sign, they reneged on the 5+1 nuclear treaty with Iran which took decades to complete and are trying to sabotage it (so they can engineer the next war which will distract their public from their own misery), if you recall he also said he was going to start talking to Russia which the deep state wouldn't allow of course ;) , oh to be fair he did do a nice little devil dance with the Wahabi terrorist funding merchant Saudi's and sold them more arms and gave them the green light to carry on bombing women and children in Yemen and blame it on their fictitious enemy Iran (it's easy to fool the great unwashed, just throw in words like Houthi "rebel", rockets and insurgents) and how could we forget the Israel capital genius move, one which the entire world voted against, then he proved to us what "Democracy" meant to him and the deep state US by announcing he'd withdraw aid "black mail money" from countries that voted against him, former "allies" Pakistan and Turkey have also been pushed into siding with Russia and China. Never mind though, he will deliver on his promises by carrying on printing money to spend 57% of US's annual budget on military escapades ( a figure which is greater than the next TEN countries on the list including China and Russia and Saudi Arabia) Peace has a price as we keep getting told and that price is bullets and bombs for those who can't shoot back. I can't talk though, I'd have given up clays the first time I tried it if they f***ing shot back. 

Will you be doing Churchill's  reg next month ? :)  

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It is my regrettable and considered opinion that for some time in the US the so-called Right has been controlled and probably populated by Space Alien Ghouls from a planet where everything is made of metal.

What Hamster relates is to me and I suppose a couple others a shameful litany that I am unable to dispute in any way.  I understand that the US has few unpurchased friends and I had hoped that I would see that change in my lifetime.  Prolly not gonna happen.

have a nice day


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