Gun storage what is the truth

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Was out to dinner at a French neighbour last night. He shoots and had a few of his many guns on a rack in the dining room. I said that in the UK having guns out in the open like that would not be allowed and if the police found out it would most likely lead to the guns being removed from is possession and a revoking of his licence, maybe even a court appearance. Anyway  Welsh woman then piped up pooh pooing my comment saying that in the country in the UK this was quite normal. I gave her a reply that she did not know what she was talking about and we left it at that, however it did annoy me that she gave the impression she knew her stuff. For the record is there any real evidence that around the countryside in the UK gun owners store their guns in this fashion?

I bet this person has seen disabled guns on display in a pub or something. I think the best evidence that she was talkig rubbish is that  when the police put out the press release saying "call us if people are being careless with guns" there wasn't any response. At least, nothing the police press office felt worth informing us about, and they are quick enough to advertise success.

I know when I had my interview for a renewal my firearms enquiry officer made a point of stating that the guns should only be out of the cabinet for some reason regarding their use.  eg. shooting or cleaning/maintenance.  He mentioned an example of someone who was found to be asleep with his gun in the corner of the room when the police came to do some checks and had is certificate revoked.  Not sure if it is a true story or just an explanation he uses though.

My experience when I got my first SGC and FAC was that the police wanted to inspect exactly where I had positioned my cabinet to make sure it was not easily accessible. When I moved and advised the police when I required my renewal they did the same again! I was then told that it was absolutely necessary that the guns should only be out when being used. I lived in the country at first then moved into the city but the advice was the same. This woman was very dismissive and said she knew people living in the countryside who kept the guns out of the gun cabinet in the house. 

Just goes to show that 'what is required' and what some people do can be two different things. Those that adhere will keep there licence, those that do not and get caught, most likely will lose theres.

All guns are to be safely stored at 'ALL TIMES' unless for maintenance,cleaning or use - Not propped against the back door like they were years ago.

Times have changed and there are more thieving gits around than ever before

Be SAFE not sorry

Probably about 7 or 8 years ago did quite a bit of work for a few farmers and tbh most of them had shotguns in there kitchens and utility room just propped up in plain sight.

Was out to dinner at a French neighbour last night. He shoots and had a few of his many guns on a rack in the dining room. I said that in the UK having guns out in the open like that would not be allowed and if the police found out it would most likely lead to the guns being removed from is possession and a revoking of his licence, maybe even a court appearance. Anyway  Welsh woman then piped up pooh pooing my comment saying that in the country in the UK this was quite normal. I gave her a reply that she did not know what she was talking about and we left it at that, however it did annoy me that she gave the impression she knew her stuff. For the record is there any real evidence that around the countryside in the UK gun owners store their guns in this fashion?
Tell her we're not even allowed to tell our spouse where the key to the gun safe is kept, ;)  true story.

Guns are supposed to be "stored so as to prevent unauthorised access" To me that is a fairly simple statement and should be easily understood by anyone of moderate intelligence. Clearly the Woman in question had a limited grasp of plain English.  :wink:

There is no problem with propping your gun up in a corner of the room. The problems arise should the gun be stolen or found in a Police 'spot check' not to be in "A securely fastened cabinet"

A friend whose farm I shoot pests on, has his shotgun on display in the living room.

Altho it is not hidden in a safe, it is secured.

It is secured to one of the wooden ceiling rafters in the living room with some sort of lock/clamp. It's been stored like that for donkeys years so the FEO obviously does not have a problem with it being there.

So, from what i've seen, being on display is not in itself an issue, however being stored in a way that prevents unauthorised access is another matter.

What size shot do you recomend for door to door sales persons then ?
Not sure Wes they seem to be pretty thick skinned.  :)

When we were kids one of the local farmers used to shoot at us with a 12g reloads filled with grains of rice when we used to go on his land picking conkers.  :D


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