Hard shoot/soft shoot Gun site post debacle.....

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2012
After reading 13 pages of posts, I still have no idea what is a hard shoot and what is a soft shoot :p

Hard shoot, easy shoot..........makes no odds to me, I just turn up at whatever is on that week in Scotland (it's not even every week there is a 100 bird shoot on up here) shoot as many as I can and enjoy myself :D ;) :cool:

As many Wednesday nights as I can, I drive to North Ayrshire after work and try to work on whatever I have struggled on at the last shoots. I've only been at it for 5 minutes (April this year), but I've started to shoot higher scores than the guys who were beating me for the first 4 minutes, that's how I try to judge MY progress. I wrote down some goals for this year in May when I wasn't doing so well,

3-6 months shoot,

+75 @ ESP Done! twice 81 + 82

20 a pacour @ FITASC Done! 20

+75 @ FITASC Done! 79

win a C class @ ESP Done! twice

12 months shoot

+80 ESP Done! 81 + 82

+80 FITASC Must try harder!!!

Win C class @ ESP Done! Twice

Win D class @ FITASC Must try harder!!!

Move into B class @ ESP That depends how I shoot in the Scotish champs on Sunday!!!

1-3 year goals

win B class @ ESP

win C class @ FITASC

shoot well enough to earn A class @ ESP

shoot well enough to earn B class @ FITASC

5 year goal

A class @ ESP

A class @ FITASC

win A class @ ESP

hit 90+ @ ESP

hit 90+ @ FITASC

dream goal

high gun @ ESP

high gun @ FITASC

Scottish team selection ESP

Scottish team selection FITASC

shoot in an international comp @ ESP or FITASC

Now I don't know if these goals are achievabable by me or not, time will tell, but I have never entered a compitition without wanting to win. Even if I'm not compeating against anyone else, I feel like I am compeating against every stand and every clay!!!

All this talk about "lower classes" like we are not worthy,........ "shoots are getting easier".......... "Sportings lost the plot" .........." the lower classes think its great"...... "ground owners have decided to give targets away a bit too easily :huh: "..........."whats the point in shooting inflated scores which are not a true reflection of the level you are genuinely at"........

"big soft target scores and jumping up the classes"........"only got to look at all people who,ve said they,ve had PB scores this weekend,is it because they,ve got better or improved etc or cause the shoots are getting softer"......ect, ect, ect

I can only shoot what's in front of me!!! Yes I shot a PB the last three shoots in a row, in my defence, my C class winning scores were very close behind the B class winning scores and I beat all the others in C!!!

I don't know if any of that sh*te was directed at me or not..........but it was hard not to take some of it personally at times!!! Now, if any of you think I'm dreaming with my list of goals, feel free to coment, give advise, share your knowledge, pass on some tips of wisdome, point me itn the right direction, encourage me or at least don't tell me sporting is sh*te now compared to what it was in the 80's.......I'm not from a clay shooting background, guys like Glen (not having a go at you mate) seem to take it for granted at times that everyone had a dad who shot clays and showed them the ropes, I got to 34, joined the SCTA one day, got the "bullitin" with the shoot dates through the post and turned up at the first one, and every one I could scince learning as I go!!!

p.s. Big thanks to Ben H for the coaching and to Stewart Cumming for all his help and freindship too!!!

Sounds like the typ of guy i like to shoot with.Good luck with your shooting.Pity your so far away?.I enjoy helping people who whant to help themselfs.Glen im sure does not aim sh*t at anybody.

After reading 13 pages of posts, I still have no idea what is a hard shoot and what is a soft shoot

Hard shoot, easy shoot..........makes no odds to me, I just turn up at whatever is on that week in Scotland (it's not even every week there is a 100 bird shoot on up here) shoot as many as I can and enjoy myself

As many Wednesday nights as I can, I drive to North Ayrshire after work and try to work on whatever I have struggled on at the last shoots. I've only been at it for 5 minutes (April this year), but I've started to shoot higher scores than the guys who were beating me for the first 4 minutes, that's how I try to judge MY progress. I wrote down some goals for this year in May when I wasn't doing so well,

3-6 months shoot,

+75 @ ESP Done! twice 81 + 82

20 a pacour @ FITASC Done! 20

+75 @ FITASC Done! 79

win a C class @ ESP Done! twice

12 months shoot

+80 ESP Done! 81 + 82

+80 FITASC Must try harder!!!

Win C class @ ESP Done! Twice

Win D class @ FITASC Must try harder!!!

Move into B class @ ESP That depends how I shoot in the Scotish champs on Sunday!!!

1-3 year goals

win B class @ ESP

win C class @ FITASC

shoot well enough to earn A class @ ESP

shoot well enough to earn B class @ FITASC

5 year goal

A class @ ESP

A class @ FITASC

win A class @ ESP

hit 90+ @ ESP

hit 90+ @ FITASC

dream goal

high gun @ ESP

high gun @ FITASC

Scottish team selection ESP

Scottish team selection FITASC

shoot in an international comp @ ESP or FITASC

Now I don't know if these goals are achievabable by me or not, time will tell, but I have never entered a compitition without wanting to win. Even if I'm not compeating against anyone else, I feel like I am compeating against every stand and every clay!!!

All this talk about "lower classes" like we are not worthy,........ "shoots are getting easier".......... "Sportings lost the plot" .........." the lower classes think its great"...... "ground owners have decided to give targets away a bit too easily :huh: "..........."whats the point in shooting inflated scores which are not a true reflection of the level you are genuinely at"........

"big soft target scores and jumping up the classes"........"only got to look at all people who,ve said they,ve had PB scores this weekend,is it because they,ve got better or improved etc or cause the shoots are getting softer"......ect, ect, ect

I can only shoot what's in front of me!!! Yes I shot a PB the last three shoots in a row, in my defence, my C class winning scores were very close behind the B class winning scores and I beat all the others in C!!!

I don't know if any of that sh*te was directed at me or not..........but it was hard not to take some of it personally at times!!! Now, if any of you think I'm dreaming with my list of goals, feel free to coment, give advise, share your knowledge, pass on some tips of wisdome, point me itn the right direction, encourage me or at least don't tell me sporting is sh*te now compared to what it was in the 80's.......I'm not from a clay shooting background, guys like Glen (not having a go at you mate) seem to take it for granted at times that everyone had a dad who shot clays and showed them the ropes, I got to 34, joined the SCTA one day, got the "bullitin" with the shoot dates through the post and turned up at the first one, and every one I could scince learning as I go!!!

p.s. Big thanks to Ben H for the coaching and to Stewart Cumming for all his help and freindship too!!!

To steal a turn of phrase from a Wejie Ned - Quality man :D

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Tom, I have 100% confidence in Clever Mirage cartridges, Supertargt 8's out to 40yds, Grand Italia 7 1/2's for +40yds and pro sport black eagle if I feel I need extra confidence to focus my mind on something "out there"........I know they will break ANYTHING they hit!

Good post Darkside, higher scores are about maintaining your rhythm and tempo through the round, learn to focus when you're in the stand and let the strain go off your shoulders when you step out. Pat yourself on the back when you straight a stand, even if they were easy because it's those that cost you the win in truth.

Also learn to accept misses, especially when it comes on the harder stands because few people hit them all. On equipment though I do have one advice, stick to one shell, if you like 7.5's then no reason to even carry other sizes.

Well done on your 3 recent pb,s Darkside,you,ve obviously got the right mental attitude, and i,m sure you will achieve your goals,the ultimate one i would think would be to represent yout country, and it,s true you can only shoot whats put in front of you whether it be hard or soft.

Scotland will have the home international sporting with in the next couple of years might see you there if we both make the team,Good luck!!

Darkside, well done on your recent shooting,i also share many of the targets you do especially recenty.

Especially the one about getting a high gun - I have posted several P.B's recently at registered comps including a 113 ex 120, along with 93,94,91 ex 100's. All scores have put me in the top 6 o/a and even a couple of 2nd o/a however a High gun still illudes me. Hopefully i can acheive this goal before the end of the year is out - would be nice!

Long term aim is to raise my average by a couple of % and get into AAA Class - maybe next year?




Great pigeons on your Facebook

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Darkside, well done on your recent shooting,i also share many of the targets you do especially recenty.

Especially the one about getting a high gun - I have posted several P.B's recently at registered comps including a 113 ex 120, along with 93,94,91 ex 100's. All scores have put me in the top 6 o/a and even a couple of 2nd o/a however a High gun still illudes me. Hopefully i can acheive this goal before the end of the year is out - would be nice!

Long term aim is to raise my average by a couple of % and get into AAA Class - maybe next year?
You look well on the way to AAA!!!

If you've got it in you to shoot 94, then you've more than likly got it in you to be high gun!!! Are you going to the British open next week?

Yeah will be heading up there for the Saturday 3pm slot, really looking forward to it, always a good event recently - will try my best for another PB!

Will be going with my dad for his only major of the year so will be having a laugh no doubt!

I'm in the 11am slot on Saturday, first major, might see you in the passing, good luck!!!

You guys are well up there on your goals flippin good stuff and a good read!

Seems to me Darkside has a plan, maybe at the end of the competition season everyone can post their goals and achievements would make good reading and show how everyone is getting on.

Steven - You have upped your game big style mate your shooting some cracking scores now, remember you shooting around about and then you disappeared for a bit and now your back stronger shooting more and posting some big scores. I bet money and other more important factors took president for a while....I can relate to that a lot. Fair play to you though coming back and doing well mate. UK has the highest standard of shooters as well so to get a HG is harder than ever in my opinion never mind how easy or hard the targets may be.

I was the opposite just started coming on strong after getting a good job in UK and started doing more and more started getting a few HG etc and made AAA, the helice team etc. and then got a job offer out here so that had to come first. Still shooting as much as possible but they have a max to comps a month sometimes only 1 out here so it is hard. However they do have a few top shooters but I am under no illusion that the standard is no where near that of the UK and the entries for that matter. I miss being back!

Money was the main issue - other than the mrs having the arse with me for not spending the time with HER!

Now she doe's a little shooting she understands that it's my way of getting away from work, problems, etc and just have fun and focus on something else for a day or so.

I only started shooting again properly about three years ago - think the time we met at the W/Wood fitasc was my first reg shoot for about 4 years!

Luckly work now sponsor me which is a stroke of luck - pay for my cartridges and give me a car for the comps. Fortunatly luck has been on my side for the past couple of years and beleive me i know how lucky i have been. I wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise!

The goals and plans look great, keep at it and you will achieve them. The key (certainly for my shooting) is being keen and wanting it. As soon as you shift focus to other areas of life, or more important stuff comes up your shooting will suffer. I now just put the gun away until I am keen/able to focus on it again. Can be as short as 3 weeks or as long as 4 months.

And you seem like your on a high at the moment- capitalize on it and use it to your advantage as much as you can. You will have a slump at some point and it will seem like the end of the world, but you always come out at least 1 bird per 100 stronger, even more in the early days.

Get stuck in.

Darkside, thats a good programme to follow keep the momentum up. Maybe I will copy that next season when I have got through my bead watching problem and I can raise my scores a little.


Well Darky we have something in common. I did not come from any shooting background....they are all golfers. I took my self off to a shooting school over 25 years ago and had a few lessons and then went out and put the time in over the years. Went into game shooting at the very start when women were frowned on, especially if you turned up with a drain pipe! Clays came later.

You can go anywhere you want in this game. Just be realistic with your goals.....and you get the chance each year to do what is on your top list ....enter a World or European Championship....they are all open in the Fitasc side! It does not matter where you are placed at first...you just enjoy and see where you end up.....then if you get the bug...........!!!!


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