Hello from Northumberland

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Alan Maughan

Looks like a friendly forum you have here guys, glad to be on board. :)

Im a very keen clay shooting novice who has been lured into the world of shotguns (after much intitial resistence) by his mates. I work in the sporting field and lots of people I know shoot so decided I had enough spare time now to dedicate to learning about it myself. Ive tried a good few guns and have settled for a Zoli Kronos 32" trap gun which was re-choked 5/8 & 3/4 by its previos owner, seems like a bit of an inbetween set-up for a novice on mainly ESP but I will see how it goes in the next month or two before deciding what to do in the choke area. I fitted a Gracoil myself last week and I plan to use 21g as often as possible as I havent handled the recoil well in the past, I accept this could be badly fitting guns but what the hell, belt and braces approach cant harm!

I have an engineering background and Im a tinkerer so Im currently looking at doing an adjustable comb conversion. Maybe rightly or wrongly at this early stage in my shooting career I feel quite strongly about correct gun fit and hopefully my gun mount will continue to improve so I can look at getting everything set up properly soon. My shooting is improving every week and I shot my best last Sunday so raring to go again this weekend.

Please forgive the fact that I will have more questions than answers at the moment.



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Welcome aboard Alan - enjoy ShootClay - any questions, please let me know.

Questions all welcome as well - we have a good selection of knowledgeable people here.

Welcome and good luck with the gun. If you look on here you will see we had a 21gram comp at wylye and the hull cartridge peforms very well,Mark

Looks like a friendly forum you have here guys, glad to be on board. :)

Im a very keen clay shooting novice who has been lured into the world of shotguns (after much intitial resistence) by his mates. I work in the sporting field and lots of people I know shoot so decided I had enough spare time now to dedicate to learning about it myself. Ive tried a good few guns and have settled for a Zoli Kronos 32" trap gun which was re-choked 5/8 & 3/4 by its previos owner, seems like a bit of an inbetween set-up for a novice on mainly ESP but I will see how it goes in the next month or two before deciding what to do in the choke area. I fitted a Gracoil myself last week and I plan to use 21g as often as possible as I havent handled the recoil well in the past, I accept this could be badly fitting guns but what the hell, belt and braces approach cant harm!

I have an engineering background and Im a tinkerer so Im currently looking at doing an adjustable comb conversion. Maybe rightly or wrongly at this early stage in my shooting carrer I feel quite strongly about correct gun fit and hopefully my gun mount will continue to improve so I can look at getting everything set up properly soon. My shooting is improving every week and I shot my best last Sunday so raring to go again this weekend.

Please forgive the fact that I will have more questions than answers at the moment.


Thanks for the welcome guys :)

HI Alan, do you shoot at steve smiths at all ?

Hi David, yes I do as its near where I live. I also go to Harlow Hill and Greenside on alternate Sundays with occassional trips to Braidwood. Im hoping to get down to Spennymoor over the winter on a Wednesday evening.

hopefully we'll meet up there sometime...i'll be back when the flooded OT trench has been drained..!

Parts for adjustable combs are available from Brownells site USA pretty cheap and a few styles of quality, you may depending on gun need to make the stock bolt retained in the stock permanently, also a small fillet of wood fitted as you may cut through to the stock bolt hole. Other than that videos for fitting are on U tube.

Parts for adjustable combs are available from Brownells site USA pretty cheap and a few styles of quality, you may depending on gun need to make the stock bolt retained in the stock permanently, also a small fillet of wood fitted as you may cut through to the stock bolt hole. Other than that videos for fitting are on U tube.
Thanks CF, I have seen them but will probably make my own as I have the skills and access to the right machinery.

If anyone is thinking of buying from Brownells I would suggest they look here first as these guys manufacture them along with their own ribs and the recoil reducers sold as Gracoil for twice the price!

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