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New member
Feb 13, 2012
Nr Wellington Somerset
Hello to all at ShootClay. I'm Richard, and I live near Wellington in Somerset. I've shot clays, mainly ESP and ESK, for some fifteen years now, with a variety of guns, but currently use a Beretta DT10 and a Beretta SO4, (hence the user name). Over the last couple of years I've directed my enthusiasm toward shooting instruction, and am an Associate Member of the Association of Professional Shooting Instructors. I still very much enjoy shooting at club level, but my competition days are well and truly over, apart from the odd Beretta World perhaps. Best wishes to all, Richard.

Hi Richard - welcome aboard - hope you enjoy ShootClay - any questions, please let me know...

Hi Richard welcome

Most of us here are newbies ,but then Shootclay is in it's infancy , like the first day at school (long time ago)
