He's Older Than I Am !

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Just a pup then really Charlie. Best years yet to come ;)

If you agree with that then you and he both are due some remedial math classes

but it does sound better I have to admit

Nowt to do with maths, I have had lots of really big years, but I was only born in one of them :biggrin:  

Anyway, you're only as old as you feel, even if your age is a two digit number beginning with 7. 

You are obviously delusional.  That may moderate with age.  Far the most of that golden years BS is yapped about by people not there yet - maybe all of it.  Getting old sux goat balls and all the sop to the contrary is just for the not-old so they don't feel so guilty about not being old.

YMMV but if it does you likely need some professional mental health care    :crazy:

I think he means that people who say age makes no difference your as young as you feel blah blah blah are talking cack and that being old is actually not at all spiffing. As a recently turned 50yr old I tend to agree as when I was 49, 11 months and 30 days I didn't feel old at all but that one extra day made all the difference, Mortality is now a real possibility .......... BUT I always say being old is better than the alternative.

I think he means that people who say age makes no difference your as young as you feel blah blah blah are talking cack and that being old is actually not at all spiffing. As a recently turned 50yr old I tend to agree as when I was 49, 11 months and 30 days I didn't feel old at all but that one extra day made all the difference, Mortality is now a real possibility .......... BUT I always say being old is better than the alternative.
Thanks, I understood that part of the message.

It was the "delusional" and "in need of professional mental health care" bit's I was referring too. Both are true of course, but how did he know  :sarcastic:

Can't help with that bit mate I don't speak fluent wonko it's a bit like my french I only know enough to get by and lost when they talk back. :)

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