HMR shot placement for fox..

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2015
North Essex
I have head shot a couple of foxes, one pretty big, with HMR out to around 90 yards and have dropped them on the spot.

Faced with another fox night I found myself questioning the placement and decided not to take the shot, this was much closer at around 45 yards.

Question is, where do you shoot yours (with 17 HMR)?

why are you questioning it if it dropped one at 90yd ??

I know that a lot of people shoot foxes with HMRs but in my opinion it's not powerful enough. I think a centerfire should be used. Head shots are risky especially in the wind. With something like a 223 it drops them on the spot with a boiler room shot that gives you a margin of error. 

Both the foxes I have shot dropped as if hit by a ton of bricks, I would go out much further but it seems fine at that range. I have shot rabbits out to 160 M (lasered) mad they didn't complain.

 Just trying to make sure there is no better shot placement for calibres.

Tend not to take the rifle out if it's too windy (read at all windy)..

243 will be joining cabinet before too long, my English Game used up some of this budget..

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I mentioned it in another thread, I won't shoot fox with my .17hmr.  There shouldn't be any doubt when you pull the trigger that you're going to despatch the quarry.  When you get your .243 you wont have any doubt. 

with my .223 anything out past 75 yards I take the heart/lung shot.  in fact i favour the heart/lung shot over head shot all the time.  50 or 55gn vmax turns them to soup inside. 


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