Home made custom ear plug kits, anyone used them?

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Jonny English

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
Nettleton , Lincolnshire
Had a quick look on e-bay for the home kits for custom fit ear plugs and they seem to set off from £7 upwards.  I know they won't be as good as proper ones made by a specialist, but for the price thought they might be worth a look to see if I can get on with them before investing nearly £100 on a basic proper set.

Has anyone used any of the home moulding kits for custom ear plugs, any that you would recommend, or any to steer clear of?

Best regards Martin

I didn't know these existed. I think I would prefer to consult a professional for this service.

Personally, I wouldn't be happy squirting an unknown substance, from an unknown source, into my ears. The thought horrifies me!! Be careful!  :music:

Martin DONT DO IT. Have a set professionally moulded for you, I have seen the results of what goes wrong if you don't know what your doing.


Bought a home mould kit a few years back and had no issues in making them, I think you would have to be a right ham fisted numpty to cause yourself damage. Only downside to solid plugs with no passive valves or electronics is the feeling of being underwater all the time can be very disconcerting.

"Thats when the fight started"

A fairly high percentage of us have a condition called stenosis which is a narrowing of the ear canal so if you were to push silicon past this point you are effectively filling a bottle neck with a substance which is then going to set! Try pulling a cork out of a bottle with your fingers? Very hard and quite painful, you can have custom moulded plugs with a stenosis but the audiologist or impression taker will notice this and place his otoblock before the stenosis thus preventing the issue and giving a correct custom fit. If your home made jobbies don't go deep enough into the ear canal then they won't be effective and your not protected.

It's not that expensive really could you put a price on your hearing ?
It does kinda wind me up when I see guys and gals with £500 shooting spex on and 50p foam ear plugs?

If anyone sees me at a ground your welcome to come discuss hearing protection who knows I may even offer members from here a discount on PROFFESIONALLY FITTED EAR PROTECTION, sorry peeps had to shout as some of you won't hear me.....


Thanks for all the replies folks, will probably save up and get a proper pair made, appreciate all your input, I Don't think I''ll go down the home kit route.

Regards Martin

Have to say, I'm glad I was wearing my cans on Sunday. Was shooting skeet and a piece of broken clay smashed into the side of right hand can..... Would done some serious damage to my ear/head had I not been wearing them. Very fortunate.
