I dare fart again !

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2011
Sleaford Lincolnshire
I have just had a relationship with the Noro Virus bug and thought a couple of

pointers might be of use to anyone thinking of tackling this bug.

First you need somewhere to stay that has a toilet, preferably two as one will

be almost permanently occupied.

The layout of the toilet is critical. It must have have room for a bucket while you are seated or preferably you must be able to reach the sink while seated.

Alternatively you must be able to be able to get your head between your legs

while actually sitting on the toilet.

Wear loose clothing that is easily removed while moving toward the toilet.

You won't want to eat but anyway it is a waste (there's an appropriate word )of time 'cos whatever you eat or drink reappears as liquid within minutes.

I ever I get the virus again I will try eating coal as an experiment !

You will need loads of toilet paper, something to calm the 'ring of fire'

effect and an extra supply of pleasant tasting toothpaste to get of the taste of the 'projectile vomiting' problem.

After about three days the virus starts to give up and things slowly return to


The first time you can go to the toilet and fart without 'pebble dashing' the

toilet pan you will let out a shout for joy that can be heard in the next street'

All you have to do now is replace the floor covering on the route to the toilet because you will have worn it out.

Enjoy your virus !!


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Hmmmm...thanks for sharing.......I think...!!

can sympathise, woke up to go start my night shift last night feeling very dodgy, no chance of getting a replacement driver so had to down some immodium and pray........... unscheduled visit to tesco on the way and couldn't get off the throne for at least 10mins. fortunately by the time the trailer I was taking had arrived from Glasgow and I'd paid another couple of 'visits' things settled down.

bet your trousers fit better ,  good detox  !
I lost 7lbs in 5 days but I guess it goes back on without thinking about it so a bit of effort must be made to keep the weight off, which I could do with.

can sympathise, woke up to go start my night shift last night feeling very dodgy, no chance of getting a replacement driver so had to down some immodium and pray...........
Much to my surprise, Immodium, which I have found excellent when on holiday, didn't touch this bug.


Shouldn't you have posted this in 'Bugs and Issues' ? :sick:


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