Interchangeable barrels

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
I bought a new stock for my DT11 and have it on the action of my 32' sporter..

I also have a 28' DT11 skeet gun with no barrel selector ...I thought I'd see if if the barrels were interchangeable as I was under the impression they wouldn't be exact even though it's a mass produced gun .

The 28 barrels sit very snugly on the 32 action ,everything shuts very nicely ,the ejectors time the same as the 32 and the forend sits on very well too...

I haven't fired anything through this but I would love to be able to just carry the spare barrels and use the short ones for Olympic skeet ,is this a possibility or do I need it proofed etc ...??

I thought running it past a gunsmith may be an idea as I've had mixed advice on this ,from ..'you can't as they won't fit' to 'they should be fine if they fit the action well..

Any thoughts..ta

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If the barrels engage ok on the action and it closes with the lever in the correct position its ok to shoot. I have done this many times

Long time ago but I'm pretty sure I've had 682 barrels of different lengths on the same action and fired them but not with the same fore end. 

I've done it plenty of times, changing from 32 barrels ( on miroku ) to 26" barrels from a different gun, ( obviously anther miroku ) bought it cheap because of a cracked stock. It was a very handy bit off kit for shooting 100 or 50 bird three man team flushes

As ball trap says, if it's all nice and secure and locks up ok, go for it

Make sure you clean the barrels

Cheers chaps, unfortunately the lever doesn't sit correctly with the short barrels, everything else is good but looks like its a no go.

My barrels are very clean, I use an electrical doohicky for that ;) ..


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