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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
Shooting UT at Capvern yesterday one of the regulars shoots an MX 2005.... beautiful gun a must have for those needing a higher head position. Anyway one of the other regulars shoots an MX2000 and asks to try out the 2005. Never shouldered the gun before , never altered the stock, never changed his set up or gun hold... shot a 24 all first barrel ! I find it amazing that he could go from a flat rib to a 50mm high rib he had never even seen before ands shoot so well! Bit of luck ? BTW he is not a shooter who normally shoots 24 on the first tube. I would describe him as a slow shooter too... does a high rib favour those who take a bit of time to see the target?

Interesting question John. High rib does give much earlier / better target acquisition than a flat rib but only if you adopt a high hold otherwise sight picture remains the same and is of no benefit other than the comfort of head up position.

New gun syndrome maybe, be interesting to know how he got on if he shot it again.

Funny thing is from my own experience a gun you shoot well straight away does not turn out to be as consistent as a gun that you take a few months to get used to. I have no explanation for this and i stress that it is my personal experience and not intended to be a definitive statement.

Ian I was amazed because  Guy who owns the gun took weeks to find it as it were but Michel shot it perfect straight off no need to adjust anything. Michel is a 20-23 shooter so he may have just had a good round but 24 first tube with a high rib you have never used before is ...weird, how he would have done on another round who knows ? But I don't think it is possible to luck that sort of score. I would not be surprised to see him with a high rib P gun some time soon chopping in his SC3 would take him  a good way to making the cost not that he is strapped for cash. I am not going to ask to use it just in case I straight the line and start to think too much :)

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On the other hand it could be too that the gun simply doesn't fit the owner.  And it could be the magic wand for Michael.  Best be feeling sorry for him..

My feeling is that the best tech is well known and in use by those who want to win.  Just check out the stocks that a good many of the hot shooters have moved to.  Low ribs are the choice of the vast majority of fast target shooters.  If there were any real advantage to high ribs, those guys would have them.  JMO of course - - those guys could all be fools.  Or not.

Charlie to be honest I think I have all the gun I need with the flat ribbed P gun now if only I could stop the brain farts because when I shoot it well I am getting really quite good scores... add a bit of the stress factor and its almost as though I am starting shooting for the first time :)


Guy shoots the gun very well regularly scores 23-25 but it took him a while to get it... Michel hit 24 first time and all on the first barrel obviously Michel has benefited from Guy's gun fit? :)

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