Job interview

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2014
Rossoville Ashford Middx
Job interview

Bruce, an Australian guy, has applied to join the Sydney police force.
The Sergeant doing the interview says : "Your qualifications all look good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take before you can be accepted."
Then, sliding a pistol across the desk with a few spare clips of ammo, he says "Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal immigrants, six drug dealers, six Muslim extremists, and a rabbit."
"Why the rabbit?"
"Great attitude Bruce," said the Sergeant. "When can you start?"

A marriage guidance counsellor is at his wits end with a couple. 8 sessions and they are still arguing, so he devises a final test to see if they really have no last sign of feeling for each other.

He sits the husband in a room on his own. He then hands the wife a gun and tells her that the room is silenced, that the husband no longer wants to live without her and says that she can shoot him if she wishes. Pointing the gun at his head will be the final process to make her consider everything. Now, the gun is not loaded but she does not know this. The counsellor sends her into the room and waits outside.

After a few moments there is a terrible banging and crashing, before the wife emerges and says "I did it". "But the gun wasn't loaded" he replies. "Yes I know, I had to use it to beat him to death".


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