Hi MarkO, I read your post (and reply) with a level of interest and wanted to provide some feedback.
Importantly I want to clarify this my feedback style is ..... direct. That said it's not intended to be rude or disrespectful.
That said, these are my observations are:
Regarding the vision/intent - In short, you could achieve a huge amount by being succinct and clear on the website (and here) what the intention of your company(?) is, or whatever the structure is ie non profit, for profit, something else? - that said, the fact that I don't know says a great deal to me...
My sense is that you are looking to develop a series of competitions that employs handicap system that encourages growth and development of individuals within the sport and provide opportunity for all levels of shooter to be engaged in friendly/healthy competition - and get a chance to win some money along the way?
If that's what it is, you need to state it - and clearly - because let me be clear, it sounds fantastic!
That said what you replied with and written on the website certainly doesn't convey that message.
How to go about it:
1. Build out the 'About' Page to state what you're trying to achieve and what you're not trying to achieve - tell a story of how the new system is awesome (but don't go making disparaging remarks about the competitors system)
2. Create a 'Frequently Asked Questions' Page - and post answers to those frequently asked questions
The website itself #1 - In short you desperately need to hire a web developer to update the template/format/structure. The page looks dated at best and like a set of ads classifieds at worst. CMS and website templates can be had for 50 quid that would make your online presence look far more simple/elegant and professional.
The page is dynamic and doesn't automatically size for mobile/table/web experience.
How to go about it:
1. Buy a new template or hire a web developer
2. Remove at least 50% of the menu options - there's seemingly dozens of them down the side of the page - it's overwhelming
The Website itself #2 - A questions and a statement, why do you have so many advertisements? You can get solid/reliable hosting for $9USD a month and not have any advertisements at all. When I look at your site i'm turned off by the not-so-pleasant layout and even more so because 30+% of the real estate is advertisements.
How to go about it:
1. Remove at least 50% of the advertisements that you have
2. Stick to one ad positioning format format - ie banner or sidebar ads, not both
Attracting new clubs to the format - This needs to be a significant focus and should have a clear section on the site - Why should they join this league? What are the benefits? What investment is required? What kind of exposure will they receive? Who runs the events? My educated guess would be you don't have more places signing up because you don't have a compelling vision for these things and they're not going to invest their very limited time unless they can see a tangible return - you need to outline what that return is to get them in the door.
Ok - I have lots more to add however i've read this feedback and it's a solid start. I sincerely don't know how you (or anyone else for that matter) will respond however I do hope that it provides some inspiration/feedback to raise the bar and refresh with content and a format that is engaging and professional.
p.s - I have a professional background in all things e-commerce/customer service/web services/IT/user experience(you get the idea) - I therefore sincerely hope they are taken as constructive feedback and not just blathering criticism.