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Whilst your on the subject I see Teresa May is going to spend £7Million on a wire fence in Calais !

Perhaps that £7 million would be better spent on the NHS or Homeless English ( not homeless immigrants) + stop any housing and benefits of dependants who have defected to Isis or preached anti British in the streets of Britain and perhaps then we could get some stability in this country.

I am old enough to remember Enoch Powell's racialist rants , that are now coming to fruition.

Deploy British Troops to Calais and both ends of the Euro Tunnel, before Britain sinks .

Whilst your on the subject I see Teresa May is going to spend £7Million on a wire fence in Calais !

Perhaps that £7 million would be better spent on the NHS or Homeless English ( not homeless immigrants) + stop any housing and benefits of dependants who have defected to Isis or preached anti British in the streets of Britain and perhaps then we could get some stability in this country.

I am old enough to remember Enoch Powell's racialist rants , that are now coming to fruition.

Deploy British Troops to Calais and both ends of the Euro Tunnel, before Britain sinks .
Well, you only asked for it with that empire thing you had.  Not that the situation is any better here so you don't have to remind me about that.

could be some hard times coming

I thought the "Empire Thing" worked really rather well. Johnny Foreigner never had it so good. Look at what has happened since we gave it all back?  ;)

Mobility within the empire set the precedent for what you have now.  You let them in and now you have to deal with it.  Just like Denmark, France, Germany, Italy,,, ..........................

besta luck

When we had The British Empire we had India , Africa and America, the Americans set about us and won independence ( It was a Shropshire Regiment who burned the Governor's house down ,hastily painted White to make it look okay) We gave India back to the natives , we gave Africa back to the natives .

We gave the Kenyan native to the Americans and look what he's done for them. :D :D :D  

enoch my hero ,  yes we gave the empire back ,   but never stopped paying for the privilege   ,   uk  toilet of Europe .   


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