I’d be more worried if a 13 year old onwards wasn’t wanting to play on a x box and go against everything their parents/ and/ or grandparents want to do . Just admit that for the next 12 years they will disown you , and don’t want you to be a) best mate b ) big brother c ) a cool dude , and you won’t go far wrong .
They don’t want you to know that In their online parallel life they are murdering Crack ‘Ho’s in GTA , and have a Facebook profile that would make Keith Richards look like a monk . They don’t want to discuss the fact that they have a major thing about the girl down the road , and they will happily tell you that you are dumb as a brick. Although they will be embarrassed by you , it won’t stop them trousering thousands of pounds from the job that you have managed to keep for years despite being the dumbest bloke on the planet . Of course their friends parents / grandparents will be held up a beacons of how you should be . Then one day they will magically come out of it , I’m not sure what the trigger is , but I suspect it’s when at 24 they get laughed out of the nightclub for being “old “ .
So it’s just a case of waiting it out , and as Westley says , remember you will still be paying for life when they do come back . At the end of the day they will pay it back to their grandkids