Kids Tv clips from your yoof

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Thought this would be fun, link a you tube (or whatever) clip to your favourite kids TV program from yonks ago, The older the better and the most obscure the better. Remember to put a title of the link so we know what it is.

Here is my first one dedicated to our very own hamster :)

If you don't remember or are too young there is a character called Hammy Hapmster


Not strictly a kids programme but this guy was my boyhood hero, and still is!! Was on Southern TV Area.

Trouble is I think I'm becoming a clone. Must ask for a pipe for Chrismas!

You've started something now Ips.

First boyhood crush. Dora. :giveheart: :giveheart: :giveheart:

Wow this is going to be is another. used to love this.


Not strictly a kids programme but this guy was my boyhood hero, and still is!! Was on Southern TV Area.

Trouble is I think I'm becoming a clone. Must ask for a pipe for Chrismas!
Can you imagine that on prime time these days ????

I want to show Bagpuss but do not know how to put the clip on here :(

Too much time on my hands??

Here's another.  :biggrin:   The Clangers.


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I want to show Bagpuss but do not know how to put the clip on here :(
Find it on you tube (do a G gle search) then copy the address at the top (right click - copy) then past it (right click - paste) in the text box of your post, Simples :)

Mary, Mungo and Midge.

Was going to link to Sugarball The Little Jungle Boy, but can't find any clips anywhere.
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I used to watch Finger bobs at lunch time.  It used to be on after Mr Benn.

Have to go to a site meeting, back later keep em coming :)

Not PC these days because it could have a rather different connotation??  :sarcastic:

Bit before my time but used to watch the repeats.

Dastardly and Mutley

Ips you have started me off now, no stopping me!

I really should be working but this is too much fun watching these clips.


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