Laser practise systems, are they any good?

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Laser shooting will eventually be the death of all outside shooting. 

Any ground could come under noise abatement orders if the local residents could show that shooting (in their eyes) could be done silently or inside.

These systems can be great for gun fit or consistent mounting if at home. But when i sat on the committee looking at bringing more people into the sport (GBTSF(2) ) Sport England asked why competitions could not be done with it. Both myself, The NSRA and NRA representatives said we were all against that idea because it would be the end to shooting as we know it. Laser shooting was viewed as a threat and so was paint balling. We did not want to draw people from there for various reasons. 

We should be very careful. Already laser clay shooting is held at inside corporate events....

I am not sure why the video was done in the CPSA Boardroom either???

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I have seen a couple of these laser practise systems on the web recently. Has anyone ever used one of them or currently have one, are they any good? and more importantly, do they improve your shooting out on the range or impead it? <--------very pricey this one!
Hi buddy, I've got a standard 12g laser which I like to use to follow the lines of the ceiling walls etc which I find helps to keep steady, but as for the other types of systems you could pay for a lot of top coaching, clays, carts etc which I feel would be more beneficial IMO but others may disagree.....
Paintballing a threat? Don't talk wet. It's not comparable at all. Plus proper competition paintball is very noisy!

You are missing the point sweetie......................we do not 'shoot people'.........

I have no problem with paint balling....just thought i would clarify that before the usual suspects start.

And Gary dear I am far from wet......if you knew me. I bet for a start i have bigger balls than you :laugh:

Abuse... ?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Now who is being 'wet'......... :laugh:

I say again ...I am not against PB.

The threats to shooting come in all shapes and forms. The Committee did not think that a sport that aims 'at' people to kill them.....sat very well with a sport that has 'real guns'...."!

I do not know if you read all the points....but the biggest threat is a government who thinks....we will move this noisey sport out of the countryside where it is disturbing peoples Sunday afternoon....because.....Eureka !!....we have found laser shooting...........etc etc etc 

You do not have to be a brain surgeon to see how it could go.

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Laser shooting will eventually be the death of all outside shooting. 
Any ground could come under noise abatement orders if the local residents could show that shooting (in their eyes) could be done silently or inside.
These systems can be great for gun fit or consistent mounting if at home. But when i sat on the committee looking at bringing more people into the sport (GBTSF(2) ) Sport England asked why competitions could not be done with it. Both myself, The NSRA and NRA representatives said we were all against that idea because it would be the end to shooting as we know it. Laser shooting was viewed as a threat and so was paint balling. We did not want to draw people from there for various reasons. 
We should be very careful. Already laser clay shooting is held at inside corporate events....
I am not sure why the video was done in the CPSA Boardroom either???
Nicola.... Have you ever seen this ?

The first two systems are very much home practise tools and would never be a match for the real thing though, and it was on this Home practise side of things I was basing my enquiry on...but the other link I just put up may have a point were that is concerned I think, take a look, see what you think.
Glorified computer game, probably get corrected but having seen a couple of "simulated" clay shooting at a corporate event a year or two back they looked as relevant to clay shooting as a game of Space Invaders, watched, shook head did not even try it, tbh not many did as it even appeared " boring" to the majority of otherwise sport mad clientele there.

Yeap....seen it.....had a go on one back in 2004 ish at Le Rabo European Fitasc Championships. Not sure which company was punting it then...?

It was a bit of fun but a gimmick ....nothing like the real thing to real shooters. Also had one at a Wedding a few years back next to the fake casino roulette and it was full of people slightly worst for wear shooting at a screen....then each other ....! Note they were not real shooters thank goodness.

Perazzi has a clay shooting toy for people to play on at their factory....again good fun....but a toy....nothing like the real thing.

Would hate to shoot a championship....or worst still a money shoot off with these toys.

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Yeap....seen it.....had a go on one back in 2004 ish at Le Rabo European Fitasc Championships. Not sure which company was punting it then...?

It was a bit if fun but a gimmick ....nothing like the real thing to real shooters.

Perazzi has a clay shooting toy for people to play on at their factory....again good fun....but a toy....nothing like the real thing.

Would hate to shoot a championship....or worst still a money shoot off with these toys.
Thats just what I thought they would be tbh... i don't know why, but I had this image of all these Yuppies and Bankers and people of that ilk all having one of those American type TeamBuilding seminars with it :sick: put me off straight away...but what about those small home practise ones? Coz I was thinking of getting the Arrow system....when I get my gun that is....just to help me practise and keep my eye in..and to practise mounting from a Gun Down position.

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Correct as far as I see it as well.

You could not run serious competitions on them L. O. L.

No idea really about the home system as to whether it would help you. You would have to go for a demo and decide yourself. I have never really been one for swinging around the ceiling and all that......rather prefer the real thing......the only thing I swing around the room at home is a Gin......

P.s I added extra in my edit when you were posting.

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Thats just what I thought they would be tbh... i don't know why, but I had this image of all these Yuppies and Bankers and people of that ilk all having one of those American type TeamBuilding seminars with it :sick: put me off straight away...but what about those small home practise ones? Coz I was thinking of getting the Arrow system....when I get my gun that is....just to help me practise and keep my eye in..and to practise mounting from a Gun Down position.
you could try putting a small torch in the end of the gun and following lines in your room like beams or where the walls meet the ceiling.....there is a clip on YouTube.

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Laser Clay Shooting is to shotgun sports what Matt Rurtherford is to Slimming World.

Very nice, but not the Real deal.

( Love you really Matt! Are you George & Kate's love child?)

Laser Clay Shooting is to shotgun sports what Matt Rurtherford is to Slimming World.
Very nice, but not the Real deal.
( Love you really Matt! Are you George & Kate's love child?)
:laugh: is it Tin Hat time again? :laugh:

I saw that clip on you tube...might give it ago..but I think that Arrow system looks like a good home practice system, and not as pricey as the Dry Fire, agree though that they will never replace real shooting though, but at least you can get your gun out in the house and have a practise when you feel like it without blasting the best china to smithereens :laugh:
The Dryfire system can be fun and interesting but No! it is not a comparable substitute to having to see a real 3D target in the real world.

I had a go at it once at a prize presentation somewhere or other , thought it it was complete arse, I'd give up if I had to do that.


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