Lifes ups and downs

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2015
I have been shooting many years ( clays ) and have always been a bit competitive always want to be there and win!, but if you are a competent shooter most of the winning side can be in your head ie.. the will to win and shoot good, sometimes there are things that happen in life that stop you from doing that like bad times......

My past 6 years...........

6 months of work with a slipped disk ........went private cost me £30,000

Back to work and the Company went bust did me for £10,000

Under investigation with the Inland Revenue for 18 months they found nothing......................did my for £3000 for buying a pack of cigs when buying fuel

Had a Heart Attack spent six months off work

Back to my van nicked and all my tools ( self employed ) cost me £20,000

Was looking forward to this year to shoot with a clear head and put some good scores in ..................guess what ! my wife has cancer

If anyone has had a worse time i would like to hear about it, i need cheering up ! 

Life is like a babies vest....................................short and full of sh*t

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Sorry to hear that dave. I knew you have had a few problems of late but none to match your latest. I wish your wife a speedy recovery.

Mate, Chin up I've easily had the worst year of my life but there's a point where you have to say things can't get any worse so they must get better I hope you're at that point. I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery.

Health and happiness are the only important things in life.

My thoughts are with your wife  and I wish you both all the best.

Hi Dave, from what I know of you, you are a male caucasian living in the UK of above average intelligence. Only one person in every 4000 on this planet has that good fortune. You have good skills in information technology and have lost £60,000 in the last six years. You may well have earned double that in those six years and your net income has been £60,000. Even the best football team in the world doesn't win all it's matches. Your wife has a serious illness but she still loves you. How many men do you know whose wives said they didn't love them and were leaving. You and your wife can get through this. You've always had determination and you can do it. I'll look forward to seeing you on the trap circuit when your difficulties are over.


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Oh jeez, I know you were back and looking forward to having a proper go again after a break.

Wish the Mrs well and a speedy recovery,

Speak to you soon.

You have had a plate full and I truly hope you can see your way through this next battle and wish your wife every success.  xx  

Definitely a bad run - I can only offer one crumb of comfort. 

This too shall pass. 

It always does, and always will. 

Keep the faith. 

we,ve never met but from one shooter to another

i hope everything starts to look up for you both

please wish your wife a full and speedy recovery


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