This high-rib is fixed by magnets, and if needed, a small piece of double sided tape.
I bought this to try on my MK38 to see if I would like a gun with a high rib..... I did......So I bought a gun with one.
So now, this is no longer needed and up for sale. This is the 12mm high and 750mm long version.
New they cost £225 plus p/p. I'm looking for £150 (includes p/p).
I bought this to try on my MK38 to see if I would like a gun with a high rib..... I did......So I bought a gun with one.
So now, this is no longer needed and up for sale. This is the 12mm high and 750mm long version.
New they cost £225 plus p/p. I'm looking for £150 (includes p/p).