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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2013
fife (actually), cheshire (spiritually)
Both have wooden spacers screwed to the centre barrel ribs to fill the gap at the front of the forearm. Seems to me these are totally unnecessary and could possibly allow moisture to creep underneath on wet days. Question is does anyone ever remove them to  clean, dry and re-grease them? Or do you leave well alone and assume that oil will work it's way underneath when the outside of the barrels are cleaned and wiped over?  

I have a 3800 that is nearly 23 years old and I have never removed the things. Yes oil will get under and also into those spacers,too much oil may not be a good idea though.

Thanks for that Les, I'm probably being a bit paranoid about the things.
No worries mate. I did ask a gunsmith about it many years ago and he said leave the things alone, but not to use too much oil because it can soften the wood.


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