New cocker puppy

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very very nice indeed.

you going to work him/her ?

do we get a name and Mrs ips says aarh or summat and can we have more pics as and when.


welcome to the cocker mad house ?

very very nice indeed.

you going to work him/her ?

do we get a name and Mrs ips says aarh or summat and can we have more pics as and when.


welcome to the cocker mad house ?
Yes 'Daisy' will be worked but as a rough shooting companion.. More picks to follow!

Aww, that's a beautiful puppy.

I'm sure you're both going to have some great times together! :)

Lovely pic, those two will be up to mischief very soon ?

Bloody dog's been spoiled already with all that soft bedding and cuddly toys get it out in the barn and let it know where its place is !! :lol:  Only kidding its a nice wee thing hope you get on well with it .

welcome to cocker world mate.

in order to get a good nights sleep we ended up with miss eze in her cage at the side of our bed.

cockers don't like being on there own, apparently. Ours certainly doesn't.

Daisy is now awesome, has been for a couple of weeks, doesn't cry at night and no house accidents thanks to dog flap..

Sit, lay, come, stand all nailed, heel and stay still a work in progress.. Now to solve nipping and paws off Sofa/coffee table..

Very interested in shot pigeons ..

Daisy is now awesome, has been for a couple of weeks, doesn't cry at night and no house accidents thanks to dog flap..

Sit, lay, come, stand all nailed, heel and stay still a work in progress.. Now to solve nipping and paws off Sofa/coffee table..

Very interested in shot pigeons ..
Hhhm, that's that jinxed!.. Useless this morning..


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