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Wonko the Sane

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
NorCal, USA
OK, so westley poste this in another topic

"Oh, I have 2 of those, the problem is I sound like a Circus clown walking around with one (or both) feet going slap, slap, slap. I stopped using them after I overheard someone saying "Here comes that slapper with the auto " 

First thot came to my mind was that would make a great gangster name - Slapper Westley.

Then I thot something more current like Simon Cowell's latest boy band - Introducing The Slappers ! ! !   has a fine boy band ring to it dunnit?

And then something sorta classic like Snow White's 8th Dwarf - Slapper

and of course politically The Slappers infest every party

so help me out here, what else would benefit from the term ??

He was known has slapper Westley in his younger years, but due to his scores now he his known has slacker Keith ? 


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