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Wonko the Sane

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
NorCal, USA
Screw the BBC or what ever that other thing is.  Get answers to YOUR questions.

so here's a starter to get the idea out

Why do bugs, bred and born out of doors, seem to think that life would be better in my house?

What makes a  shooter choose to cheat?. Degrading themselves and the whole sport. And why do governing bodies turn a blind eye to it? Undermining the sport further.



 I will try to answer your question sentence by sentence.

Because they are weak and have little respect for others.

Because they have no self respect.

Because they are weak, have large egoes that need massaging and couldn't give a toss as long as the salary is large , expense account sufficient and there is a decent jolly or two per annum.

What makes a  shooter choose to cheat?. Degrading themselves and the whole sport. And why do governing bodies turn a blind eye to it? Undermining the sport further.



 I will try to answer your question sentence by sentence.

Because they are weak and have little respect for others.

Because they have no self respect.

Because they are weak, have large egoes that need massaging and couldn't give a toss as long as the salary is large , expense account sufficient and there is a decent jolly or two per annum.
Are you sure you are in the right thread?

Can only assume there's lots of cheats on here as the response is somewhat less than overwhelming.



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