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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
Hello All,

I have finally joined the ShootClay Forum, Some of you will already know me.

Its Mrs Ian here! I hope you are all going to be gentle with me as I have NEVER been on a forum in my life before? A Total VIRGIN (waiting for abuse).

Thank you all......... that I have already met, for your support and understanding while at shoots.


Big welcome Claire - that's a couple of cherries popped in a few days then, first Fitasc and now here, whatever next :eek:

Hmmm......just realised our pics are very similar.....I'm gonna have to find a new one, or people will be getting us mixed up......

Welcome aboard - enjoy ShootClay - most of em are all right - apart from that "2nd place in the shield" bloke... he's lovely!

Hello Tony, it's ok they won't mix us up we have different guns & my vest is grey !

Thanks Matt, I'm sure everyone will be very nice.......even the second place bloke ;)

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Suppose I should say hello too, now get the kettle on !!!!!!

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Don't worry about the picture I tend to read the name of the poster rather than look at a piccy.

Welcome to Shootclay Mrs Ian ;)


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