New to breaking clays

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Active member
Feb 29, 2012
Ashford, Kent
Hey all,

Just signed up after looking for clay shooting forums. Anyway, I've been into target shooting (rimfire and air rifle/pistol) for a few years, but always fancied a go at breaking some clays. Went to a local clay ground for a 'lesson' and 50 birds on a very windy day and got 50% which I was quite happy with considering the quality of the 'lesson'! Shooting clays is *so* different to target it took me a little while to get into the swing of it!

Anyway, I'm now well and truly hooked! Sent off the application for my SGC this morning but apparently Kent are being *really* slow with grants and renewals at the moment, so I'm not hopeful of seeing my SGC any time soon!

Glad to be here, and look forward to chatting to you all soon :)


Welcome to the Forum Techguy!!

Clay shooting is very different to rifle shooting but very addictive :)


Welcome aboard TechGuy - any questions, please let me know - look forward to hearing about your progress with the SGC and shooting in general!


I reckon those with rifle experience are handicapped for learning clays, compared to complete newbies. BIG reprogramming of head will be required. Enjoy!


The big one for me was unlearning my trigger control. Kept holding onto the trigger after the first shot, so the hammer wouldnt reset for the second shot. (I wish the instructor would have told me that when I mentioned to him in the beginning that I was a target shooter!)

Second learning curve was keeping both eyes open, and no rearsight. Very odd for me!

But I am now hooked, and reading everything I can to do with sporting clays, can't wait to get out and shoot again :)

Hello Techguy welcom , i am sure you will have a lot of fun ,

were did you go for your lesson?

Hello Techguy welcom , i am sure you will have a lot of fun ,

were did you go for your lesson?

It was more of an intro to clays, than a proper lesson. From the info I was told and given, I could have got the same info from someone who had been shooting clays for a while. I'm not in any way saying it wasnt a good experience, but I think my expectations were perhaps a little high!

Have been thinking about booking a block of lessons at Greenfields, as it's a bit closer to me and the father in law used to shoot there regularly and says good things about it.

Nicola said:
You are just what we need matey........someone who really sounds excited about this as a new sport. Welcome aboard. What part of the country are you in?

If you are in the south it is easy to meet up with guys on here........................BUT...............................DON'T.......................let them make you into a 'sppppppppppooooorrrrrttttiiinnnnnnng hedge monkey'...........come over to the darkside :cool: .....Trap is where its at :cool: ........... Loads on here will help.....and if you are in Berkshire you can get free don't go paying through the nose for lessons. :D

Dur......just seen you are in Kent,
That I am, I think my friends and family are getting bored of me constantly going on about it and constantly having my nose in a book/magazine/forum! But then they are used to it from my target shooting! haha!

I would like to give trap and skeep at go too at some point, see how I get on with them :)

Yep, I'm in based in Kent. But work in London and dont mind driving to wherever at the weekends so I'm not just going to go to one ground week in and week out, I'm loving the fact that there are *so* many clay grounds around unlike with *yawn* target shooting! ;)

Helice looks like a bit of a challenge! (just watched some youtube vids). Although I have a feeling I would struggle to hit any of them just yet, but I'm willing to give it a go :)

Can't make this this Sunday, but the 10th is a possibility!

Paging Hamster - regular contributor here - and in Kent, shoots at Greenfields... and all-round nice fella.

Hamster meet techguy - techguy meet Hamster

10th at A1? I might be able to do that... although I was planning some sporting practice - can I do that at A1 - will they let me go and find some stands to work on some problem targets? (i.e. all of them)

A1 has sporting practise all the time Matt! Not a bad little set for some sporting practise!!! 2 birds one stone!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

Nic, Me and Mrs Fuz are coming to Rugby on Sunday :D Whats the format these days? Last time I went taking potshots at helicopters was 2 years ago at A1 and I know the rules are or have changed. is it still 28g max shot size 6? and do Rugby do tel entries or just rock up?

Edit. Sorry for derailing your intro thread Techguy and welcome to the site :D :D

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Just another quickie then we can leave techs thread to other greeters :lol: Hows the catering at Rugby? will there be opportunity for various fried/grilled cuts of pig before we start or should I break my fast before hand :)

Yeah - should be able to - would love a pop to see what this is all about!

Just read elsewhere that Kent are very close to being 6 months behind on grants and renewals :(

That would mean August/September time for me! Nooooooooooooooooooo!! I want shiny in my new gun cabinet!!
