Not enough Choke!

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Easy, you were too far in front even on the ones you hit  :wink: , break at 1.34 was luck, the miss was lack of luck. Those clays are dollies and would break with Skeet all day long so long as the lead places the centre of the pattern on the clay, you woz breaking them with the fringe. 

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Have to agree with hamster looks in front to me. But if you had been using half choke it would have taken doubt out of the equastion.

Have to Disagree 

on watching the video I would say your breaking them ok so choke was ok 

looking at the last bird on the 3rd pair you were farther in front but got away with it by breaking it in half 

last pair I would say you were high on both targets broke the first ok but didn't get away with it on 

second bird ☹

not saying I'm Right but that's how I see it interesting to see it though 

be interested to hear others thoughts ?

1 hour ago, Gordon H. said:

Missed a long crosser & it was the last target. When checking the video I'm convinced that I should have changed my top barrel to a tighter choke, which I had intended to do. Using skeet chokes in both barrels.

A lesson for me for the future 40 yard crossers need half or (at least) quarter choke!

Really good instructive video. I had that very discussion today on what is the miss factor going from quarter to half chokes and difference in lead shooting my new Xcel. On 40 yard crossers I hit 8 /10 with quarter then changed to half and hit 9/10. The main difference being was the 'hit' with the half choke there were more definite breaks than the quarter.  With regard to lead I just do what 'feels' good and it seems to work. Good video.

Yeah, I agree with Hammster and Pete, you missed in front, not because you didn't have enough add to what they have said, your hold point on the second bird was so bad it's a wonder you managed to hit three of them!!! Just look at the 2nd bird hold point on the last pair, it's even closer to the trap house that the second clay emerges from behind than the rest...the clay has a massive jump on you, you chase after it and catch up on it (very) slightly later, swing through a decelerating clay too far (firing ever so slightly later in its flight than the previous one) and your luck runs out as none of the fringe pellets at the edge catch it. You could argue that with 1/2 choke you would have missed more than one...

Watched some of your other video's...this one "Swing Through"

...being super critical, on the first bird, you go to your hold point, call pull, move the gun to the left, the bird passes you and then you have to change direction to swing through the bird...who else would advise keeping the barrels fixed on the hold point until the clay has passed your barrel (by a pre determined amount) before moving?

do people think the shot goes through the choke goes F*ck me skeet choke I mustn't travel as far!? the velocity is the velocity the choke's not going to change that!

this weekend some one in my squad convinced himself he was missing because he had 3/8ths in and it was "too open" I hit 30 more clays and I had a bloody skeet choke in! lead in the right place tends to help!

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do people think the shot goes through the choke goes F*ck me skeet choke I mustn't travel as far!? the velocity is the velocity the choke's not going to change that!

this weekend some one in my squad convinced himself he was missing because he had 3/8ths in and it was "too open" I hit 30 more clays and I had a bloody skeet choke in! lead in the right place tends to help!
You are of course correct but, I never know how much lead to give what target at what distance? Friday and yesterday I took my brand spanking new A400 Xcel to the shooting ground. Over the two days something like 75% of the time I hit the clay. Things did change somewhat yesterday when I moved to an M (half I believe) choke. Same hits more bits. Amount of lead? aint gotta clue just covered the clay pulled in front a tad whist pulling the trigger and hey presto bits of clay flying thru the air most but not all of the time. Incidentally that is easier for me to do  right to left than left to right, I am right handed .What I'm not is an expert. I am also a rifle shooter and in a previous life a handgunner. I like to point out the handgunner bit to remind those who took away our sport all those years ago that I (we)) are still around and shooting......have a good week

It does appear to me that you tend to chase the targets a tad, due to inconsistent hold points and a rush to shoot - hence shooting in front.

You call 'pull' before your actually ready for the 'bird'. Perhaps slowing down and composing yourself might help - just my opinion of course.  

And we all have one of those  :)

It does appear to me that you tend to chase the targets a tad, due to inconsistent hold points and a rush to shoot - hence shooting in front.

You call 'pull' before your actually ready for the 'bird'. Perhaps slowing down and composing yourself might help - just my opinion of course.  

And we all have one of those  :)
I believe the very thing I am not doing is chasing targets and I do not have "inconsistent hold points and a rush to shoot" I do not feel the need to slow down. but as you say it is just your opinion

I believe the very thing I am not doing is chasing targets and I do not have "inconsistent hold points and a rush to shoot" I do not feel the need to slow down. but as you say it is just your opinion
Battue was talking about the dude in the video (I think?)...or are you the shooter in the video Jack?

Spot on Darkside. I was making a comment about the video. If i was talking about 'Jack' i would have quoted him.

I shoot with someone who had his gun checked recently to see what chokes it has (fixed). Keep in mind that he has shot this gun for well over 10 years, has won medals at the Euro's & World FITASC and has won numerous shoots here, including an impressive 95 at a FITASC which was stiff, lots of edge on stuff at reasonable distance. Imagine his surprise when the chokes were measured at nothing and open skeet, so no choke whatsoever and only slight choking in the top barrel!

As the title suggests and having read all of the advice and comments, I have come to the conclusion that were spot on right. Had you had FULL choke in both, you could have missed them ALL !


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