One gun on two SGC's?

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May 29, 2014
Hello all,

My dad and I have recently taken up this cracking sport. Great fun so far.

Looking forward to 'trying' to break some clays!

I have been quietly reading this forum taking it all in so thank you to all.

We have a lamber sporting deluxe we got as a first gun and currently share.

A question though?

Can the gun, which we keep at my fathers, be on both our licences? That way I can access it independently of him. It's currently on his licence. I live elsewhere. If so, how should I record it?

Very many thanks,


It can but check with feo as it probably doesn't need to be and some forces don't like the extra paperwork. As a cert holder you can borrow a shotgun for 72 hours before you need to notify the police, so in effect unless you were taking it away for more than 72 hours it would not need to be on your cert as its usual place of storage would be your fathers house so it would go on his cert as always FEO is the only advice to rely on, and that are not infallible.

My son and I have a similar situation. I simply put both my guns onto his ticket with 'shared' written in one of the boxes.

This after all is a true reflection of what is going on and I'd challenge any FAO to prove otherwise. It may be a bit more work for the Police but they are there to serve.

My FAO had absolutely no problem with this by BTW. They do really just need to be aware of the facts.

My son and I have a similar situation. I simply put both my guns onto his ticket with 'shared' written in one of the boxes.

This after all is a true reflection of what is going on and I'd challenge any FAO to prove otherwise. It may be a bit more work for the Police but they are there to serve.

My FAO had absolutely no problem with this by BTW. They do really just need to be aware of the facts.
Ok do let me ask you why you thought this was necessary?

Definitely ask the FEO. Have a similar situation with the 'family' guns at dad's, also we've had to put in a second gun-safe here as I have an FAC and Mrs Bryn doesn't so she can't have access to my safe. I could just issue and record each occasion but it was a lot simpler just to get the safe.

My husband and I both have shotguns and we both have all of them on our certificates
Reason? Something happens to one of you the other doesn't have a problem keeping the guns. Or, go to the pub after shooting? Not a problem if one of you has a drink or too (ok, I have a drink or two) - I have heard of police taking guns off someone because they had been drinking in possession of their gun ie in their car - not an issue if the other person in the car has the guns on their certificate.
I know of a chap whose gun was only on his dad's certificate even though he had his own certificate. His dad said the gun was his but they hadn't done the paperwork. Dad dropped dead and the step mother didn't honour the gift and sold the gun instead

My husband and I both have shotguns and we both have all of them on our certificates Reason? Something happens to one of you the other doesn't have a problem keeping the guns. Or, go to the pub after shooting? Not a problem if one of you has a drink or too (ok, I have a drink or two) - I have heard of police taking guns off someone because they had been drinking in possession of their gun ie in their car - not an issue if the other person in the car has the guns on their certificate. I know of a chap whose gun was only on his dad's certificate even though he had his own certificate. His dad said the gun was his but they hadn't done the paperwork. Dad dropped dead and the step mother didn't honour the gift and sold the gun instead
I am pretty sure wills over rule what's written in a SGC. How did the step mother sell a gun unless she was issued a section 7? The actual wording if the act does not require the gun to be on multiple Certs, and I have been told that it shouldn't.

Good advice from HDAV and Gnasher I think.

All my guns are on mine, and my wife's certificates. She is a non-shooter but would still be in legal posession if something were to happen to me, enabling her to sell them, or gift them as required.

A friend of mine was killed a while ago and his guns were taken into "safe" custody by the local Constabulary. His wife was a non-certificate holder so could not do anything about this. By the time the legal stuff was sorted out, and his wife instructed an RFD to take possession of his guns for sale, they were worth little more than scrap value as they were kept in poor conditions and poorly treated.

Being on a shotgun certificate does not prove legal ownership, although it may show some form of intent from the owner for the safe keeping of the guns.

I lost possession over my Father's guns in the same manner as Gnasher decribed above. There was nothing I could do to retain them as they were not mentioned in a will and she was a vindictive ***** and wanted them sold asap.

Hope this helps.  :biggrin:

I have my guns and my husbands on my certificate and vice versa.  No problem at all with doing it, in fact the local FAO recommended it.  As Gnasher says, it'll save any problems if something happens to one of us.

Thank you everyone for your comments and advice.

Email sent to FEO. Sounds like an easy thing to sort out.



Torps you can have a shared gun on both certificates anytime you want. Fact.

I have some of my husbands competition guns on mine and vice versa in case one of any reason happens. Death, business reason for one of us to leave a shoot abroad etc etc plus Gnashers great reason...the pub and driving home.

At the moment I have 2 of my guns on other people's certificates (as a loan gun). One is my 15 year old youngster who is waiting for her Syren (so i loaned a 525 as a joint gun onto her fathers certificate). The other is an MX8 on loan to Cheryl Hall until she can get out to Perazzi to have one made.

Hope that helps.


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