purely beating

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
following on from a topic I touched on in multiple dummie post I would like to open a specific thread.

if one was only ever going to go beating what (list) would you require and indeed what do you not need (ie stop, directional control etc etc) also what training regime would you follow in order to attain them.

I want THE best beating dog possible and the point of the post is that I do not want to waste my time training for things I do not need. Of course it may be the case that I need a bit of everything ?

to save any confusion I am absolutely sure I will never be picking up on a commercial shoot and I doubt I will ever shoot over her, I will however have her as a peg dog on the few occasions that I shoot a drive.

ideally I am looking for a list to work to in order and as the thread "hopefully" progresses a training plan for each aspect

for the record before we get to the nitty-gritty of training I am training with reward I will not use any type of physical punishment such as scruffing but I have no issues with restraint, getting out after her or a good verbal bollicking ?

thanks in advance

Bloody hell mate you dont half ask difficult questions. I have stated that I have yet to see a beaters dog trained to do anything and thats true. For me to take a dog beating,I would require a solid recall and a reliable stop whistle. These two requirements are mandatory to me. Many beaters dogs dont have these requirements and their owners dont even have a whistle.(notice the word owner not handler). For beating,close quartering and not letting the dog get out of sight is desirable. Being able to stop the dog is a must(also really impresses the beaters with muts that havent been trained.

   Retrieving is not that important but most hard hunting spaniels will peg birds quite often(my old girl can sometimes double the bag on a drive with birds she has nailed in dense cover) so a solid retrieve to hand is a big asset.

   If you want Eze to sit at the peg whilst you shoot then she needs to be able to mark what you shoot and remember it until sent for it. If she is to be a peg dog then she needs to be(that word you are not to fond of)STEADY.

 Got a day on sunday with a professional trainer,Nick Gregory. Google Misselchalke gundogs and watch the video of his display at a game fair. You nwill enjoy it.

    Cheers Ian.

for the record before we get to the nitty-gritty of training I am training with reward I will not use any type of physical punishment such as scruffing but I have no issues with restraint, getting out after her or a good verbal bollicking   

thanks in advance
This is exactly the method that my Wife uses................................................on me     !    :frown:

ha, indeed I do brandnew but as a wise man (salopian) once said to me when I apologized for asking a doggie question "the only stupid question is the one you didn't ask" or in this case hard question.

you have confirmed EXACTLY what I thought. Solid and reliable stop, recal close hunting and able to retrieve if required. I am happy with the retrieve and the sat present. The stop and recall are good and improving daily and she "generally" hunts within seventeen yards. I reckon if I keep going as I am were sorted for October. I shall of course continue with the steady training which is no were near reliable yet but again improving slowly.

cheers Ian will look at link

I reckon you will both do fine mate,even at worst,if not perfect you will still have one of the best dogs there,if not the best.

your very kind ?

after your confirmation of what I suspected I need to get nailed I feel much more confident , what I need I have but just need to get it all really solid and reliable. I shall restructure my training program and work more on certain aspects.

many thanks have a good weekend my friend.


this new gundog section is turning out to be much more useful than ****** maybe its because of less input and therefore no contradiction ?

I train with some really good spaniel trialling people. They dont do psycho babble,they train spaniels. None of them are behaviourists or dog whisperers but they have done well in trials and their dogs are a joy to watch in action. 

watched the vid Ian. Looks very good , very attentive dogs.

not keen on his gun handling though ?

I get to spend the day with him tomorrow. He is very blunt and straight talking,brooks no nonsense and gets dogs doing what he wants and enjoying it. He has won the Cocker championship and is an A panel judge. If I get any good tips I will pass them on mate.

I get to spend the day with him tomorrow. He is very blunt and straight talking,brooks no nonsense and gets dogs doing what he wants and enjoying it. He has won the Cocker championship and is an A panel judge. If I get any good tips I will pass them on mate.
how was the day mate ?

anything worry relaying ?

pm me if you prefer..?

It was a really good day mate. Nick is so switched on and also very sympathetic to handlers and dogs. Things that handlers had been really struggling with for months,he had their dog doing it in minutes. He was also critical about over training and allowing spaniels to use their natural ability to find shot game.

   He is a hell of a long way from you mate but a lesson with Nick is a real eye opener. 

glad it went well Ian. I shall just have to keep muddling along ?

Just watched your video on here mate. Looked very good. No problems there at all. Big well done and I tell you,there are loads of big advisers cant do that with their dogs. You doing good,keep it up.

cheers mate, it means a lot to me to receive encouraging critique from experienced gundog handlers such as yourself and I mean that sincerely ?

as you know its been a long road and the only reason was my inexperience but last few months I have felt more engaged with her and able to read her better so I think we have improved more in the last three months or so than the previous year and a bit. I have to admit my shooting has suffered as I have been enjoying the training and indeed the working so much ?


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