Really noobie question

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Reece Page

Aug 27, 2013
Hi guys 

looking at buying my first gun ( 692 most probably)

what is the difference between sporter and trap?



I think you will see various older posts on this if you do a search mate ;-)

a trap gun will have a higher rib than a sporter so if you are going to shoot sporting get a sporter gun it will shoot flater(more to the point of aim) a trap gun will shoot high.

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a trap gun will have a higher rib than a sporter so if you are going to shoot sporting get a sporter gun it will shoot flater(more to the point of aim) a trap gun will shoot high.
Basically correct however there are more trap guns with flat ribs than there are with high or stepped ribs! Comb height is the biggest difference along with choking! Most trap guns will have less drop and will be chocked tighter than a sporter. Some OT shooters will use a fairly flat shooting gun,whereas many dtl shooters prefer a gun that shoots higher,but at the end of the day its all down to what works for the individual!
Have a look at previous threads, there's lots of information.

Remember, buy a trap gun if you're going to shoot trap, a sporter if you're going to shoot skeet or sporting. There's a reason why they're designed as such. Trying to using one gun for all disciplines means compromises.

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Hi guys 

looking at buying my first gun ( 692 most probably)

what is the difference between sporter and trap?


Trap guns have higher combs, very distinct concave pads intended for pre mounting, they tend to have heavier barrels than sporters and more likely to be fixed choke.

Sporters are usually multi choked, have pads that are profiled for ease of mounting and have names like Plantation and Dragon to ease the pain of spending £12 grand. :p


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