Reply received Re British Open Skeet

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Following numerous complaints regarding the running of the British Open Skeet at Southern Counties a reply has finally been received.

Rather than bore you with the patronising comments of the reply, here are the saliant points.

1. Olympic skeet nets were okay to be used.  So long as the door was opened to set the targets and that they flew the regulation distance.  It apparently didnt matter that the bird couldnt have actually travelled the full distance to the marker pegs when being sighted or indeed for that matter shot.

2. Any official from the CPSA attend these shoots in no official capicity other than to shake hands and give out trophies.  So if you have any issues do not  talk to Nick Fellows, Terry Bobbit or Kevin Newton (cpsa director and ground manager)  go straight to the jury.

3. Apparently the jury set the targets each day, assisted by Kevin Newton and were happy.  When asked on the day to see the jury, the reply from Mr Newton was "do what you like"  and from Messrs Bobbit and Fellows," well everyone else has shot it and it would be wrong to change it, Oh and its nice that the clays dont fall onto the next range"  There was no appointed Jury.  The CPSA Directors and CEO upon receiving complaints for the 3 days should have convened the Jury and asked them to adjudicate.  This never took place as there was no nominated jury.

4.When attending shoots in the future, if you do not like what you see, ask to convene the Jury immediately. If there is not one appointed then talk to the ground owner or shoot organiser to sort this out.  DO NOT talk to the CPSA officials as they have NO Responsibility whatsoever for the competent running of the competition.

Should anyone like a copy of the reply received then PM me.

Happy Shooting, and remember keep a tenner in your pocket and dont be afraid to use it for the jury!!!

Ah hahahahahahaha just read it.....unfookingbelievable....but soooooooo typical.

Who the fook wrote this twaddle??

Quote...."There have been significant delays in arriving at a decision in respect of the complaint due to operational non-availability of some members of the sub-committee, which is regretted."

Aha hahahahahaa what a load of pompous fooking 'up your Khyber' speak is that......??

They continued in a similar vein with more confusing information...

Quote...." Mr Hill whilst making an informal complaint to T Bobbett and N Fellows, who were present on behalf of the CPSA (but whom neither were appointed as Jury members on that or any other day, nor were they attending in any official capacity other than as CPSA representatives), did not make formal representation to the Jury".

Well is suppose at least they were there .....and not sat on a grass knoll somewhere  :fie:  ....but does anyone know what this means?? How can the CEO and Chairman (a Director of the company) not have a responsibility to look into a complaint made to them on the day? Did they tell Mr Hill to go to the Jury?  Was it very sunny? Were they only there for the ice creams, if not there in any useful capacity?  :kingchris:  

It then announces rather grandiosely in a Faulty Towers Manuel way...... "There is no complaint to answer".

But at the bottom they go on to say ...."that the responses provided by the Shooting Ground Management to the complainants representations fell far short of the standards expected by the CPSA".

I find this laughable as they are talking about another fellow board director. So no Christmas cards for them from old Kev then.

Oh dear...........!!

I really do wish that Jilly Cooper would turn her attention to clay pigeon shooting....she could have another 10 best seller out of the goings on over the past few years...! 


If they weren't there to be on the jury then one wonders why they were there if not shooting, scoring, reffing etc.

They appear to have ducked out of the one thing that might have been useful on the day!


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