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Well-known member
May 15, 2013

I have thought about our little spat on here and I want to apologise for being mean.  It really isn't in my nature to be so and I am going to blame it on being quite unwell at the time and I was over sensitive and of course we all know written word is no replacement for face to face communication.  I interpreted your responses in a negative rather than a jovial way.  So I am holding out the Olive Branch to you metaphorically.  I am doing it publicly rather than personal message because I want to take ownership of my part in it.


I have thought about our little spat on here and I want to apologise for being mean.  It really isn't in my nature to be so and I am going to blame it on being quite unwell at the time and I was over sensitive and of course we all know written word is no replacement for face to face communication.  I interpreted your responses in a negative rather than a jovial way.  So I am holding out the Olive Branch to you metaphorically.  I am doing it publicly rather than personal message because I want to take ownership of my part in it.
I'm sure you would get along famously face to face; not least because you're the same height.


Not a problem at all . 

How gracious of you to apologise , when actually it wasn't necessary at all.

All of us say things at times that we may regret , unfortunately for me I seem to do it daily and seemingly never learn , but as the saying goes  'what you see is what you get'.

I try to always remember this,  'It's nice to be important , but it is far more important to be nice.'

Whilst we are on the subject and on an open forum I would like to take the opportunity to clarify a couple or three things .

Steve Lovatt is an okay Guy , but I love to wind him up.

Beretta DT10's & 11's do suffer from fanfire and jumping open , often caused by high mileage and lack of service.

At long last my K80 is behaving itself and I do like it .

Nothing compares in value for money and being a brilliant gun if compared to a Miroku .

So onward & upward.

schmokin , 18 months with this one , but probably 12 years in total with 5 duffers. 

I am a slow learner 🤣

schmokin , 18 months with this one , but probably 12 years in total with 5 duffers. 

I am a slow learner 🤣
I certainly envy you on that.  I suspect that it would take me many times that many years to come to terms with the feel of those abominations.  Let alone the millennia or so it would take to overcome the visual revulsion.  OK, that part might take longer.

I do realize tho that some are aesthetically challenged and I wish you the best of luck in your continuing relationship with the Kraut fencepost 

schmokinn & Wonko ( Charlie),

 Many , many , friends have bought and use Krieghoffs , I bought and sold 5 over a number of years and if you can think of a fault , I had it with those 5 , but like a Ghost that had to be purged I (with the encouragement of my Wife ) bought 2 more (Yes 2???) a K80 which was troublesome and a Parcour which is and always has been good.

I have a number of friends who witnessed my troubles with (Katy) and gave up on it and me, to cries of " Get rid" , " Get shut of it" , but I have had to persevere and finally it does what it should have done from day one . It has been one hell of a journey .

Wonko I cannot use it as a fence post as the wood is not tanalised and the barrels would crumble very quickly if left out in normal British weather.

I certainly envy you on that.  I suspect that it would take me many times that many years to come to terms with the feel of those abominations.  Let alone the millennia or so it would take to overcome the visual revulsion.  OK, that part might take longer.

I do realize tho that some are aesthetically challenged and I wish you the best of luck in your continuing relationship with the Kraut fencepost 
I am totally with you on this charlie.

If K guns were the only ones available i would take up golf.....and i despise golf.

Chippy ,

 Tried that , the shaft flexed too much and the head was very unwieldy.🤣

I have to admit that I do admire such perseverance.  And I freely admit that I've never shot a KG thingie, tho I did go so far as to hold one once.  The occasion was many years ago while my wife was searching for the successor to her 682, a moving up kinda thing, and the SoCal KG distributor offered to have her shoot his wife's K80 that had a stock more suitable to her.  The downside was that it had a release trigger and Barbara didn't shoot a release but we talked about it and decided that was not a real problem and so she shot a round with it.  She missed the first target because she forgot to set the trigger but then ran the remaining 24.  The distributor guy was ecstatic, B was less so and offered to think about it and thanked him for the trial.  Later she confided that she wouldn't trade the 682 straight across for it for a variety of reasons.  As luck would have it not long after we came across a Mirage that elicited a rather different response, she shot it for several years,  and eventually an MX8 that she still has.  (I still have the Mirage too)  Funny old world, ain't it?


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