Shot time.. again

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
I posted before about the time taken to take your shot. I was out yesterday and I was sort of badgered about the time I take to make my shot. I have to say it is making me a bit self conscious about it. I had myself timed today and my average time over five shots was seven seconds from the start of me closing my gun until calling pull. Now I may even take a bit longer on the stand I don't really know but even another second or two would be within the ten second rule. Am I taking too much time for my shot, is seven, eight or nine seconds unreasonable?

I know what you mean John as a fast shooter if I try to slow down and become aware of it I feel like it takes ages and I get to thinking about it. IMO if you are aware that it is taking a long time then even though it isn't in reality it is for your timing otherwise you wouldn't have been aware ...... eh doers that even make sense. I hope it does. :)

40 up timed me recently when I asked a similar question, it was whilst I was playing with a few things taking my time to compose being one of them. It was 6 sec I think but felt to me like 6 mins, so goodness knows how quick I am when I am on a roll :)

Apparently most coaches state if your quicker than 7 sec you will never be consisitent, that's prob correct but only if you can do it which I cant as I am an impatient begger :)

Well Ian I like to get my gun to my shoulder then take my hold point the wait a second or two to get my visual hold then call the target it takes me about 7-8 seconds to do that and I try to do it consistently! I probably misguidedly think that set up routine is crucial to good consistent performance, although in my case make that consistent meh! performance :)


sorry Ian to answer your question I am not aware that I seem to take a long time but others think I take too long to me it is just what I do.

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if your under 10sec and it feels right then carry on, no one "should" be bothered if you take 2 sec (like me :) ) or 9.5sec that is the time restraint so stuff em.

This is probably bad form in Trap Shooting circles, but I once shot a round of DTL where the guy to my right was calling for his bird so fast after my shot that he was gun up and mounting as I was shooting. Now this miffed me a bit as all I could see when firing was him moving in my peripheral vision. So, being not at all concerned with my score, I started to deliberately miss with my first shot and waited until they clay almost touched down before firing my second. On one occasion he called for his bird before my second shot! This had the desired effect and really screwed up his timing. He didn't do it much after that.

Apologies if this was wrong, but I have this thing about personal space being invaded and just wanted to shoot my targets unhindered. At one point I considered asking him if he wanted to shoot my targets for me as he was obviously ready to do so. :biggrin:

I'm no trappie - but slowing down is something I try and do if I find I am rushing and missing shots...  my thought is, "they are my clays, as long as I break no rules... I can take my time"

What he did was very bad form he was an amateur it would not be tolerated on my squad thats for sure.

The Australian's are notorious for doing this,


Thanks Guys. All these years and I thought it was me being slow and upsetting the apple cart.  :biggrin:

I thought the rule was that the next shooter was not to close his gun until the previous had opened his gun... if that makes sense

That is correct john anyone who does otherwise is an amateur unless there aussie ss thats just how they all shoot at least they do at dtl. Even warnings from refs at big event's has no effect on them.

I'm no trappie - but slowing down is something I try and do if I find I am rushing and missing shots...  my thought is, "they are my clays, as long as I break no rules... I can take my time"
Absolutely - just like I said the last time this topic came up all that counts are the rules not someone's opinion.

YOU paid for them.

They are shot for YOUR score

Shoot them in YOUR own way

Shoot them in YOUR own time

fast/good  slow/bad are not bonded pairs 

If other people are making shooting decisions for you, they might as well be shooting your targets for you

JMO of course but screw them


That is correct john anyone who does otherwise is an amateur unless there aussie ss thats just how they all shoot at least they do at dtl. Even warnings from refs at big event's has no effect on them.
If I remember correctly you can be disqualified for such actions.

It's 12 sec currently in OT but the count starts from the previous shots. There is talk of the microphone closing down after the allotted time in the new rules.

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It's 12 sec currently in OT but the count starts from the previous shots. There is talk of the microphone closing down after the allotted time in the new rules.
Fred what about the rule that prohibits the next man on the line from raising his gun before the previous guy had stopped shooting? I'm sure there was such a rule wasn't there Fred?

I think the issue regarding my shot time is down to the fact that I get my gun mounted and pointing over the traps in normal time but I can take another three or four seconds to actually take my shot. It is just something that I do I take a bit of time to steady my thoughts. Obviously some shooters see this and think why is he taking so long to shoot? I have been told so many times that I take too long to take my shot but I just don't get on with what I call rushing it. Anyway I am sure I am not infringing any rules so no problem there. As a side question does anybody think that dwelling before the shot is a bad idea? If I thought I was adopting a bad practice I would change my set up. The problem for me is I do need coaching but I cannot get any information on finding one. All the clubs down here are run by the members and as far as I can see none have pro coaching. I really think a series of coaching sessions would be able to answer a lot of my questions about shooting trap... no point in asking the local shooters however good the are because they are all self taught and have some off the wall approaches especially when it comes to stance!

It's 12 sec currently in OT but the count starts from the previous shots. There is talk of the microphone closing down after the allotted time in the new rules.
And includes the moving to peg within this time. What happens with 'slow' movers.....!!
This was discussed with the Italians over dinner on the first night in Lecco the other week. Many people not happy the way this is being interpreted and not happy with the mic shut down.

Should make no birds interesting as well....

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 As a side question does anybody think that dwelling before the shot is a bad idea?
Checkout  Aleksei Alipov's dwell time! Seems to be over the gun for an age but in reality only about 8 seconds from start to pulling the trigger. Doesn't seem to do him any harm.

Don't get put off by others. Stick to your own routine. If it bothers them that is to your advantage :spiteful:

As to the proposal to use the mic as a timing device I personally think this a step too far. Surely this is the refs job?? Bit like speed cameras really, too black and white (and yes I know they are yellow and grey but you know what I mean). Surely a quite word in the ear for the first transgretion is sufficient rather than a target penalty??


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