Southdown - 20th/21st July - FITASC Sporting & Compak

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ShootClay Admin
Jan 27, 2011
Just back from a fantastic weekend at Southdown - as unlikely as it might sound, we had dry weather and even fierce sunshine for most of weekend - so the choice of 'somme or sahara' for car park left us on the dusty side (what price a car valeting franchise down there!

Have to say - I think the ground has been nicely spruced up there - a new outside marquee area, and the whole surroundings of the club house looked tidier than before, great to see continued investment in the ground.  The team ran a FITASC Sporting Fundraiser for the GB team, as well as a GB Compak shoot - named the Musto Masters.  We elected to shoot the FSP on Saturday, and the Compak on Sunday. The best fact i found out all weekend was that Shaun and the team had over 110 traps running - which seems like a monumental effort for me - and I don't think i saw any serious delays down to traps. 

Saturday - FSP

FSP was running a mix of old and new systems, with Peg 1 being on its own, and then pegs 2 and 3 being shot on the same traps with different hoops. Some tasty targets all weekend, with a good mix & variety. We started on the field layout - couple of high crossers, a looper and quartering blaze targets - then pegs 2 and 3 had a nice series of crossers/loopers - with a Southdown rocket added in for good fun.  Timing ran well, and we slotted straight onto the warren layout - with a fierce midi into the bottom field and a decent fast blaze crosser which caught a few out.   Later on we headed across the hill to the Valley & Gorse layouts - the valley with its traditional long rabbit to the valley floor (40/50yds? and well below your feet) as well as one of the loopers from the valley floor that never really gets above your feet - always fun.  The Gorse is a layout that often catches me out - with a stiffer breeze and some bigger tests.   Pegs 2 and 3 had a flat incomer which I think could have benefitted froma  couple more turns of spring, and 5 degrees elevation - but as it was made a stiff test.  In a the sim pair from peg 3 it was a huge ask - Mark (off here) on our squad made it look a piece of cake, and later found out he was one the few yesterday that hit it. 

I finished up with 18, 15, 15, 13 -- would have liked/expected a few more but made some simple mistakes which really cost me.

Sunday - Compak

Brighter day and seriously hot - and four great Compak layouts. We started on Barn, with a tricky overhead and a nice quick battue.  Followed by the ShootClay (!) layout on the DTL range with another quick overhead midi and some nice loopers, as well as  a straight going away trap bird which caught some out. Bit of a break, then onto the CPC layout down the lane a little bit, decent steady layout with a teal that needed looking after and a long curling right to left which caught a lot of people out unless you took it very late with some belly on show.   Our final layout was Securesite on the Skeet range - which was single and two sim doubles,  I completely made a mess of this - not really dialling in where the birds were coming from or what my plan was... score here totally spoily my card - but lesson learned, need more concentration. 

I finished on 19,21, 23 and 10 - hideous last layout which made me Mr grumpy all the way home. 

Overall - a fantastic weekend of shooting at Southdown - if this is the standard, I'm definitely going to be in for the Grand masters and the winter series again, and see if I can better my score from last year.  I'll get the dates of the Winter Series soon and hope to see a lot of ShootClay members down to enjoy the FSP. We had a few waits in the Compak day - and I think that we probably need to look at whether people can realistically shoot FSP and Compak on the same day - as we had a few delays waiting for people to get back from FSP layouts to get onto Compak.    Southdown organisation and hospitality was otherwise faultless - with a decent atmosphere across the ground. 

To add - we found two good B&B's in Findon, and one of the best curries I've ever had - so in future, I know there are great options to shoot two day events down there. 

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Good review Matt, would have to agree with running a FITASC and GB Compak selection shoot at the same time. I fully appreciate why they were doing it but it did draw the day out. Personally I would have liked to seen a bit more thought put in to the skeet layout, one target from the left, a hard mini that needed 2 to 3 feet of leed to the right and about 1 foot under! And 5 targets set on the right, seemed to have missed an opportunity but thats just my opinion.

Good to meet up with some of you from here, look forward to crossing paths again and where did you have that curry?

Good report Matt, would like to shoot there but a long journey for me for the winter series, but might consider it if there was a GB shoot and make a weekend of it .

Good to meet you @maddmatt, the skeet layout was a bit tough....

Where you have a stand full of simo pairs, it's quite hard to work out where each target is coming from, as you don't get a chance to see the targets individually. One of the dowsides of the Compak system.

Agree with Matt, that shooting the Fitasc and the Compak on the same day is too much, and puts strain on the timings of the event, leading to a few delays here and there.

However, enjoyed the targets on both events, even if it was a bit warm, don't think we've ever shot at Southdown in the sunshine before. Will be lookng forward to more Compak next year, really enjoy the format.

The curry house was the Tajdar in Findon....excellent :)

HI Matt ,Matt and Bob

I understand that the waiting about caused a few moans but a misconception has a risen about the waiting being caused by both disciplines being shot on the same ,that isnt right .I had 16 squads on the compac and was told to have 25 minute interval between squads ,I had 2 ghost squads but that was it.The waiting was caused by the amount of people shooting. As far as I now  all the layouts rang on time and all finished early . It was jusy a pity more people couldnt have shot the compac Saturday .

Matt on to your point about the Securesite layout (skeet) Mini From Left and 2 crows coming at you and looping std ,crossing midi and chondel from right. So not 5 from the right.

Matt and Bob next time your down for the weekend you need to try the Imperial China best chinese restaurant I have tried.

Extremely tired Shaun P

That is true - and I probably should have mentioned it, I left the ground an hour before my last layout was due to start - so whilst we waited a short time, we did shoot through and get away early - so that should be a plus point.

Great weekend of shooting anyhow - just wish I'd done those sim pairs a bit more justice.

Shaun - I was not trying to be critical it was more an observation. From a shooters point of view there were times where no shooting was taking place on some layouts, that seems to be a waste of a layout if its not in use. While I understand the idea of shooting a layout, have a break then shoot the next layout, but yesterday we shot our second layout then had over 2 hours break before shooting the next one. Our last shooting time should have been 5:05 but we managed to squeeze in while waiting for a squad that were shooting the fitasc (yes they might have been on time), but to be at a ground for 7 hours to shoot 100 targets is not acceptable.

If this is going to be the norm with Compak I can see the number of entries dropping very quickly and that is not good for the sport or the grounds that put the events on. This was the first year we have held GB selection shoots for Compak and I am sure it was a steep learning curve for everyone, I know I have heard lots of divided opinion from shooters ranging from the targets are too hard to, the event is not being run according to FITASC rules and procedures etc.

From the 4 shoots, Hepworth Hall and High Lodge were not run according to the rules and shooters were allowed to shoot each layout in turn without a break, no shooter was therefore asked to stay behind and score the next squad. Barbury ran the event according to the rules as far as I am aware, with the very minor exception of seeing targets, some squads were allowed and some were not allowed, but 2 shooters did stay behind to score the next squad and we even had one layout with accoustic release. Southdown this weekend was run closely to the rules, breaks inbetween layouts but shooters were not scoring the next squads and there was a little confusion whether targets could be seen or not.

Now none of this is criticism merely an observation of what I saw when shooting these, I did hear a lot of people saying "this is not how its done overseas", if this is the case then BICTSF need to ensure the grounds run the events in line with FITASC rules for Compak, this must include target type, colour, trajectory, referee's MUST know the rules and not be influenced by shooters who do not know the rules.

Shaun I think you did well not to go insane yesterday, baking temperatures, a GB Compak, FITASC and sporting practice running all at the same time


One of the problems was the layouts were running very fast , a lot faster than I anticpated ,we could have had 20 minute interval easily ,this would decreased waiting time .I was asked to run the layouts at 25 min intervals this left some layouts empty. Also I left 2 ghost squads in to give the refs a break in the heat . i think this has been a learning curve for everyone this weekend.

Also we had 10 no shows ,had we known these people were not coming we could have decreased the squads so decreasing the waiting time between .

Also when you shoot abroad you dont shoot with your mates ,we had problems when booking in with people only wanting to shoot with their mates ,so some of the squads were not full. I think after running this event we do need to stick to the rules .I think from a running the shoot perspective that the squads should be mixed up ,ie 1 lady 1 junior 1 vet and the rest seniors  and make shaw all the squads are full.

Matt I wasnt having a rant ,I have learnt over the years one person might like your shoot while someone else will not .This weekend was a lot of hard work ,I think this is the most tired I have been after a shoot .I must admit I really enjoyed setting the shoot up this weekend ,once I got my head around all the rules setting the box what target trajectories you had to use .Also the differant menu sequences you were allowed to use .

Shaun P

Shaun - think you hit one of the issues on the head, at GB selection shoots maybe squads should be made up at random like it is when you enter the European or Worlds, that way you should have full 6 man squads, consideration could be made for shooters who are car sharing. No shows are a pain for grounds and I'm not too sure how best to deal with them.


Shaun - think you hit one of the issues on the head, at GB selection shoots maybe squads should be made up at random like it is when you enter the European or Worlds, that way you should have full 6 man squads, consideration could be made for shooters who are car sharing. No shows are a pain for grounds and I'm not too sure how best to deal with them.

We had a few "No shows" at the recent Suffolk & Norfolk FITASC.

If they had called on the Saturday evening, the squad places could of been filled as we had a waiting list to shoot on the Sunday, but the shooters didnt think of others, thus preventing others from competing & causing lost revenue........would be interested to hear what other grounds do when this happens !!!

We had a few "No shows" at the recent Suffolk & Norfolk FITASC.

If they had called on the Saturday evening, the squad places could of been filled as we had a waiting list to shoot on the Sunday, but the shooters didnt think of others, thus preventing others from competing & causing lost revenue........would be interested to hear what other grounds do when this happens !!!
I'm new at this so still a lot to learn but I thought I had read there were quite strict rules in Fitasc for no shows or maybe this is for very big competitions. ??

Just read the fitasc rules there does not seem to be any mention of no shows just sanctions for shooters who turn up late.

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Sanctions only apply as far as I know to majors (euro's, worlds, grand prix) and then the only real sanction is for people who do not complete the course. A few grounds tried to get shooters to pay in advance but with very limited success. I guess the grounds could blacklist repeat offenders, it is a pain when you are supposed to be on a full squad and then get there to find you are a 3 man squad!

We had a few "No shows" at the recent Suffolk & Norfolk FITASC.
If they had called on the Saturday evening, the squad places could of been filled as we had a waiting list to shoot on the Sunday, but the shooters didnt think of others, thus preventing others from competing & causing lost revenue........would be interested to hear what other grounds do when this happens !!!
Take their money in advance or no booking next time or take their money twice next time they turn up. If they don't phone to cancel and you lose out they should expect to have to pay!

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