(Full Southdown review to go on the main site tomorrow)
Decent drive down the A24 - no traffic, and a bright but grey morning for our first foray into FITASC at SouthDown GC. After finding the club (it's on the other side of the dual carriageway - avoid the crematorium which my GPS wanted a trip to) we headed up the farm track to the very busy car park.
My first attempt at FITASC was actually the fourth in the Southdown Winter Series - so the car park was busy and the club house buzzing as we signed on. After a decent spot of breakfast (thumbs up for an amazing cup of coffee and some decent bacon rolls) we headed out to the first parcours of the day - in fairly torrential rain. Boots, Coats, Umbrellas etc - all being deployed.
We were a 7 man squad - and we shot 'Field' first - with some lovely targets including some blistering midi crossers off a cherry-picker and a couple of screaming battues in the face of a stiff wind. Rain stopped and whilst we had a lot of mud we had the chance to dry out, so we headed back for a quick break and warm up... we didn't see any more rain all day - although weather was gusty.
Second parcours was 'Platform' with a distant rabbit that sticks in my mind as well as a couple of lovely edgy crossers off the deck that tested all of us. We took a quick break for coffee and refuel before shooting 'Well' which provided me with my stiffest test of the day - a midi from a low tower that I didn't get near with either barrel, or during the doubles that followed, and then on the third peg - a brutal Chondel and a couple of blaze crossers which suited the skeeters but did for me!
After a quick lunch and a good chinwag - we got taxied across to the 'Valley' parcours for our final test of day. A very different terrain, with no trees but the sides of the valley channelling some stiff breezes into us. We had some quick crossers and battues out here - and then a final peg that had us shooting into the sun for a few birds including a distant r/l midi and a quick rabbit that needed some respect.
So - all-in-all - a fantastic first FITASC experience - we had a great squad, lots of laughs and the pace of shooting really suited me, very relaxing. No outrageous targets, but some testing shots that needed to be thought about and some pairs that required really good concentration. I think a few of us were FITASC virgins before today, we didn't fall foul of any rules, and the general consensus was that we would all be back for more as soon as we could.
Southdown staff were amazing - very friendly and welcoming - and the referees we saw on each of the parcours were friendly, efficient and completely accurate - scores were back in the clubhouse quickly and clearly displayed for everyone.
Personally - I scored 16/20/11/17 for a 64ex100 for the day - which I'm pretty pleased with given the new format and shooting the whole day gun down for the first time. Special mention to Bob_P who was ON FIRE with a 77, my driving partner GavB who pipped me on 65 and SkiChel who led the way for ShootClay with an epic 87. Was great to meet Dab (66), SkiChel (sorry about the footie score!) and Mark for the first time as well
A fantastic learning experience - and one that has me itching to go back next week and some more.
The ShootClay Squad scorecard:
Decent drive down the A24 - no traffic, and a bright but grey morning for our first foray into FITASC at SouthDown GC. After finding the club (it's on the other side of the dual carriageway - avoid the crematorium which my GPS wanted a trip to) we headed up the farm track to the very busy car park.
My first attempt at FITASC was actually the fourth in the Southdown Winter Series - so the car park was busy and the club house buzzing as we signed on. After a decent spot of breakfast (thumbs up for an amazing cup of coffee and some decent bacon rolls) we headed out to the first parcours of the day - in fairly torrential rain. Boots, Coats, Umbrellas etc - all being deployed.
We were a 7 man squad - and we shot 'Field' first - with some lovely targets including some blistering midi crossers off a cherry-picker and a couple of screaming battues in the face of a stiff wind. Rain stopped and whilst we had a lot of mud we had the chance to dry out, so we headed back for a quick break and warm up... we didn't see any more rain all day - although weather was gusty.
Second parcours was 'Platform' with a distant rabbit that sticks in my mind as well as a couple of lovely edgy crossers off the deck that tested all of us. We took a quick break for coffee and refuel before shooting 'Well' which provided me with my stiffest test of the day - a midi from a low tower that I didn't get near with either barrel, or during the doubles that followed, and then on the third peg - a brutal Chondel and a couple of blaze crossers which suited the skeeters but did for me!
After a quick lunch and a good chinwag - we got taxied across to the 'Valley' parcours for our final test of day. A very different terrain, with no trees but the sides of the valley channelling some stiff breezes into us. We had some quick crossers and battues out here - and then a final peg that had us shooting into the sun for a few birds including a distant r/l midi and a quick rabbit that needed some respect.
So - all-in-all - a fantastic first FITASC experience - we had a great squad, lots of laughs and the pace of shooting really suited me, very relaxing. No outrageous targets, but some testing shots that needed to be thought about and some pairs that required really good concentration. I think a few of us were FITASC virgins before today, we didn't fall foul of any rules, and the general consensus was that we would all be back for more as soon as we could.
Southdown staff were amazing - very friendly and welcoming - and the referees we saw on each of the parcours were friendly, efficient and completely accurate - scores were back in the clubhouse quickly and clearly displayed for everyone.
Personally - I scored 16/20/11/17 for a 64ex100 for the day - which I'm pretty pleased with given the new format and shooting the whole day gun down for the first time. Special mention to Bob_P who was ON FIRE with a 77, my driving partner GavB who pipped me on 65 and SkiChel who led the way for ShootClay with an epic 87. Was great to meet Dab (66), SkiChel (sorry about the footie score!) and Mark for the first time as well
A fantastic learning experience - and one that has me itching to go back next week and some more.
The ShootClay Squad scorecard: